An extra buildup of fluids in the tissue of the legs results in having swollen legs. Underlying health conditions are generally responsible for the condition. The swelling may also be due to side effects rising from the circulatory problems or kidney dysfunctions. Weston swollen legs provide remedies for people suffering from swollen legs.
What Are the Other Causes of Swollen Legs?
Other than injuries, some factors lead to swollen legs. They include the following:
- Heart complications and diseases.
- Some inflammatory diseases, such as hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Deep vein thrombosis.
- Chronic infections.
Research shows that the legs’ swelling may become even worse when an individual walks or stands for an extended period.
What Are the Dangers Associated With Swollen Legs?
Generally, when body organs are not working correctly, fluids tend to build up in the leg regions. This may lead to heart failures, kidney diseases, and also liver diseases. An individual with this condition is required to visit a doctor immediately before things become worse.
What Are the Treatment Methods for Swelling Legs?
The most common treatment for swollen legs is the use of the RICE procedure. The procedure requires a patient to follow some precautions, including:
- Enough rest so that the infected foot does not progress to more damage.
- Applying ice to the injured parts of the foot or leg. This helps numb or reduce the pain resulting from the swelling.
- Wearing a compression bandage that assists in reducing the swelling.
- Elevating the foot above the heart level considerably helps in reducing the swelling.
Another approach used in the treatment of swollen legs is administering antibiotics. A patient is required to take antibiotics that help treat all bacterial infections before they develop into gangrene; gangrene may require intensive surgery to remove the damaged part of the leg. There is also administering anticoagulant medications, which help in preventing blood clots from becoming more significant. The medication also prevents new clot formation, the most preferred anticoagulant medications are heparin and warfarin.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Swollen Legs?
The following are the most common signs and symptoms associated with swollen legs. They include:
- Consistent pain, especially in the legs.
- Numbness of the legs.
- An individual may also feel persistent itching of the legs.
- A patient may also have rashes on the leg areas.
- Some even experience a shortage of breath.
- Some may have ulceration of the skin.
- The legs may also turn red.
What Are the Dangers Associated With Having Swollen Legs?
Swelling may sometimes attract problems such as heart, liver, and kidney diseases. This is because swelling tends to retain salt and water, causing complications. This causes discomfort and changes in skin texture and color, producing much pain. In cases where an individual has severe swelling, it may lead to death.
In conclusion, swollen legs are very dangerous as they have underlying health risks that can lead to loss of life. Individuals with the condition are advised to book an appointment with the nearest doctor for further checkups and treatment.
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