If you have been injured in an accident, you know that medical treatment and physical therapy are very time-consuming and painful. It is also costly to have an accident. If the accident was not your fault and you live in the state of Georgia, you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance. Not only will you be able to get money for your medical bills, time that you have missed from work, and damages to your car, but in some cases, you may be able to get money for your pain and suffering.

How Accident insurance Works in Georgia

There are many factors that influence any accident settlement. There are two different types of insurance rules in the United States: fault and no-fault. In a no-fault state, a person’s own Insurance company will pay for their accident-related bills no matter who caused the wreck.

 In a fault or tort state like Georgia, the person who caused the majority of the accident is responsible for paying its related bills. However, Georgia is a comparable negligence state. This means the at-fault driver only has to pay for the percentage of the accident they caused. For example, if the other driver is 60% responsible for the accident and you are 40% responsible for the accident you would be able to recover 60% of your bills from their insurance. As the other driver is primarily responsible for the accident, they would not be able to file a claim against your insurance.

Pain and Suffering Determinations

According to many websites, there are two basic formulas that an insurance company may use to determine pain and suffering. The first one is a multiplier method in which the level of your physical pain will be measured on a scale of 1 to 5. That number will be multiplied by the number of your medical damages.

If your bills were $10,000 and your pain level was a 2, you would get $20,000 for your pain and suffering.

Some insurance adjusters are rumoured to use a Per Diem message in which pain and suffering are basically considered to be like a job. The method multiplies your normal salary by the number of hours it took for your pain to go away.

There is no concrete evidence that this is how most insurance adjusters nowadays actually determine pain and suffering.

There are many factors that go into determining compensation for intangible damages. They may take whether or not you needed surgery into consideration. You make more money if you suffer an actual fracture.

There is no cap on pain and suffering in Georgia. You will have to establish that you have experienced intense physical and emotional distress as a result of the collision.

X-rays, CT scans, and other examinations may be used to establish your level of physical pain. If you have lost the use of a limb or if you have limited range of motion in a limb, it factors into pain and suffering payout.

Psychiatric examinations may be used to establish your level of emotional suffering. Factors such as distress to your family members and friends may be taken into consideration. You can find more information at this URL.

Emotional, physical trauma is very common after an accident. Although money might not make everything better, it will certainly make living with your injuries easier.

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