No one likes to have surgery. Sometimes it’s the pain or the fear of anesthesia, but the main factor that patients tend to dislike is the inconvenience and recovery time. Thanks to many innovative medical advancements, many traditionally complex surgeries have become much easier and less invasive than in the past.

The use of microscopic equipment, laser therapies, and non-incision procedures have changed the way that surgeries are performed and how patients feel about going under the knife. Procedures that used to require a visit to the operating room and several days of hospital-bound recovery can now be done in one day on an outpatient schedule.

When a patient is ill or injured, there is already a high level of stress on their body. When you add the unknown factor of going through painful surgery to that equation, stress levels can get out of control. In some cases, patients will avoid seeing a doctor or surgeon address medical issues due to the fear of surgery. 

When a patient is under stress, diagnosis and treatment options can become complicated. High levels of stress can cause a reduction in the immune response, raise blood pressure, and affect the adrenal gland. All issues must be considered and factored in before an appropriate treatment can be recommended.

These incredible advancements in various fields, including plastic surgery, non surgical weight loss procedures, and various scopes, are becoming easier and more convenient for patients and hospitals. As these types of technology advance into the industry’s further reaches, it won’t be long until only the most complex surgeries require an incision. The benefits to patients and the healthcare system are just beginning.

Less Pain

Surgical procedures that don’t require an invasive breach of the body are generally going to cause a patient much less pain than traditional procedures. With smaller incision points or even no incision at all, patients can dramatically reduce their recovery time, physical comfort, and the need for prescription pain medications.

Non-invasive procedures require no cutting or breaching of the body’s tissues. This means that patients won’t have to deal with painful stitches following surgery. They are also less likely to require prescription pain medication following their procedure.

Outpatient Status

Hospitals are often pressed to find beds for surgery patients. With the advancements in technology converting many surgeries to non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures, patients can often be in and out of the hospital in one day. 

The thought of having to spend a single night in the hospital is enough to make many patients delay getting the care that they need. With outpatient procedures, patients can get the care they need without having to spend extra time in an uncomfortable hospital setting. Most patients can go home within a few hours and conduct their follow-up on their own instead of having to be admitted to the hospital.


It’s critical that patients attend all of their follow-up visits after surgery. It is essential for doctors to examine a patient following any procedure to determine if it was successful without any complications. With minimally invasive procedures, follow up visits can often be limited to just one appointment. This means that patients need to only take a few hours out of their schedule to be evaluated instead of several visits.

Shorter Recovery Time

Invasive surgeries come with many risks and much longer recovery periods than non-invasive procedures. When the body is not being cut or invades, tissues do not become bruised or inflamed, and there is a much smaller possibility of developing an infection. 

Patients can get back to their normal activities in a much shorter time with a minimally or non-invasive surgery. For many patients, the financial losses of simply taking a few days off work to recover from surgery can be inconvenient.

Lower Costs

Having surgery of any kind can be expensive. Complex and invasive surgeries can be so expensive that patients cannot afford to get the help they need. Even with insurance coverage, the higher co-pay costs of a complex surgery can be financially overwhelming for many patients.

Non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures tend to carry a much lower price tag. With the right coverage, patients are more likely to be able to afford their treatment without too much financial stress. Simpler procedures require less medical staff, shorter recovery times, and a simpler post-treatment schedule allowing the prices to stay lower. 

As the world of medical technology continues to expand, surgeries that used to take a full team of specialists and several hours in the operating room may be able to be completed on an outpatient schedule. The advantages to patients including less pain, shorter recovery time, and lower costs are just the beginning of the benefits of the expansion of non-invasive surgical science. 

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