Hemorrhoids can be quite painful and upsetting. You wake up every day, having to deal with this discomfort. Hemorrhoids are very common, but only a few people seek expert care. You probably haven’t sought medical care because of the stigma associated with its condition. Having a painful lump in the anus could be heartbreaking. You don’t have to worry anymore. All you need is the right information on treatment options and how you can end this humiliation for good.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also known as pikes, are swollen or distended veins in the rectum and anus and are quite common. Furthermore, they can either be internal or external. Internal/true hemorrhoids are located far up the anus, while external hemorrhoids are found just around the anal verge. When both co-exist, they are called internoexternal hemorrhoids.  

How to identify a Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoids are self-diagnosable. However, it would be best if you were sure hemorrhoids are really what you’re suffering from. Swellings in other anal disease are very similar to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually present as a reddish, painful mass in the anus. Symptoms include itching, pain, swelling, bleeding, and mucus discharge. You may have a very embarrassing but uncontrollable urge to itch in public. Sometimes, you notice blood or stool stains in your clothes. These symptoms may have caused you some frustration, and associated stigma makes living with hemorrhoids more unbearable.

Why the Stigma against Hemorrhoids?

There’s a lot of misconception about hemorrhoids. These myths have resulted in discrimination against persons with hemorrhoids. You may have been a victim of the stigma associated with hemorrhoids from your coworkers and sometimes your closest relatives. Most people are misinformed. Some people think hemorrhoids spread by contact.

This submission is fallacious. The Stigma against hemorrhoids and, by extension, other conditions within the anus pose great threats to their management. While it may be impossible to eradicate this discrimination, proper education and awareness campaigns would be helpful. You don’t have to be shy about seeking medical help for your hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoid therapy is multifaceted. It may be conservative, medical, or surgical, depending on your healthcare provider. Usually, you’ll be assessed based on the severity of your hemorrhoids. Bleeding or pus – discharging hemorrhoids, for instance, maybe addressed differently because of their peculiarity. Most hemorrhoids, however, are associated with mild symptoms and, as a result, do not require invasive procedures. If your complaint is a small, painful, or painless itchy lump in your anus, you don’t need surgery. Surgeries are subject to the risks and/or complications. This list below points to various treatment options available for patients with hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Cream: Hemorrhoid creams have proven to be very successful in alleviating the symptom. If you have been battling embarrassing and uncontrollable itching and pain in your anal region, hemorrhoid cream should be your choice. Apart from the relief the lotion provides, it works fast and no immediate or chronic adverse effect on your health. Hemorrhoid creams are easy to apply and are readily available and accessible at pharmacy outlets near you. All you need do is follow the instructions written on the product. 

Cold compression and sitz bath: These are a homemade, easy to use remedies you really should try out.  All you need is a towel and some ice for a cold compress. Put some ice in the towel and press gently over the hemorrhoids. You can do this yourself using a mirror or with the help of a partner.          

 A cold compression will help numb the area of skin over and around hemorrhoids, so it is less painful and less itchy. You have to do this daily, so it’s more effective in improving your quality of life. You determine how frequently you can do this every day. However, it would be best if you did this at least three times a day. A sitz bath involves you sitting in a bath filled with warm water for about 15 minutes. It also helps to reduce pain.

High fiber diet: Hard stools can be a menace. Fiber acts as a natural laxative. A diet rich in fiber will improve your bowel movement and reduce food transit in your gut. Vegetables and fruit will also help you fight infections and therefore improve the general state of your health. You may have to cut down on fast foods which have low fiber content.


Hemorrhoids are prevalent but also quite easy to manage. Surgery is rarely needed to treat the condition, and most treatment options are easy, and you can do them at home. Hemorrhoid creams, for example, are effective and ideal for providing relief. Many people have second thoughts on seeing a doctor because of the associated stigma. Stigma should be faced head-on by public awareness campaigns to debunk myths around this condition.