Are you experiencing pain in the middle of your back?

When you have back pain, everything in your life takes a back seat, as you do your best to make it through the day. This is why it’s pivotal to learn more about the posture lobster, a revolutionary approach that could offer significant relief.

Studies show that back pain is the number one reason employees miss work, causing workers to lose a total of 83 million workdays each year. If you’re tired of back pain stealing from your life, you’re in the right place.

By identifying what’s causing your pain, you can finally start taking steps to find relief. To help you out, we’ve created a shortlist of the common types of back pains, as well as what causes them.

So take a look! Read on to discover what’s causing your back pain.

What’s Causing Pain in the Middle of Your Back?

Overuse could be causing the pain in the middle of your back. An example of overuse would be if you had to stand all day long, on a hard type of flooring. Another example of overuse would be if you had to do a lot of lifting.

Strains From Overuse

Even if you’re only lifting lightweight items, the repetitive nature of the motions can cause a strain or injury from overuse. When you’re overusing your body, every aspect of your back can suffer. For instance, a back strain can affect your back muscles, ligaments, and supporting spine discs.

Another common cause of middle back pain is poor posture. Next, we’ll give you more info on how your posture can cause or prevent back pain.

Back Pain From Poor Posture

Did your back pain start off slowly, and grow worse over time? Usually, when you’re experiencing pain from poor posture, it’s not an instant type of pain.

Instead, as the pressure builds on your spine, and eventually leads to pain. Left unchecked, the pressure can become so bad that it starts to cause damage to your nerves. To prevent back pain from poor posture, you have to maintain a proper posture when you’re sitting, standing, and laying down.

Sitting Down Posture

When you’re sitting down, keep both of your feet on the floor. If your feet don’t reach the floor, get a footrest to support them.

Standing up Posture

When you’re standing, put your weight on the balls of your feet. Allow your knees to keep a slight bend while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.

Laying Down Posture

Lying down posture requires that you have a good medium-firm mattress for back pain. You should also always sleep with a pillow.

Common Causes for Upper Middle Back Pain

Are you experiencing the majority of your pain in the upper part of your middle back? If so, you might be dealing with a pinched nerve.

Conditions such as herniated discs or inflammation can create pressure on your spinal nerves. Whenever there’s pressure on your spinal nerves, it can cause a great deal of pain.

After getting an X-ray, doctors will be able to determine if you have a bulging disc or a full-blown fracture. If one of the vertebrae in your back even has a hairline fracture, your pain levels can be off the charts.

If after looking at the X-ray doctors aren’t able to find any bulging or fractured discs, you may have a chronic condition.

Chronic Conditions That Cause Back Pain

Chronic health conditions can cause all types of back pain. Usually, these conditions start slowly, and may barely be noticeable. However, over time as they progress the negative side effects, like back pain, start to surface.

For instance, osteoarthritis is infamous for causing intense back pains.

Osteoarthritis in Older Adults

When someone has osteoarthritis, the cartilage in their joints starts to break down. Over time, the cartilage disappears completely in some areas, causing the bones to rub against each other. Not only is it painful to have bones rub against each other, it also causes bone damage, which leads to even more pain.

Myofascial Pain From Injuries

Chronic myofascial pain is a type of muscle pain that’s ongoing. Unfortunately, experts aren’t completely sure what causes myofascial pain to start in the first place. However, research does point towards muscle strains, and injuries to ligaments, as a possible cause.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Between each vertebra in your spine, there are discs. The discs work as mini shock absorbers. When someone has degenerative disc disease, the discs in their spine begin to tear or shrink. As a result, the bones rub together, causing back pain.

Types of Back Pains

Before you can start seeking out middle and upper back pain treatment options, you’ll first need to be able to describe your pain. The more accurately you can describe your pain to your doctor, the easier it’ll be for them to assist you. To help you describe your pain, we’re going to breakdown the different back pain types.

Axial Pain

Axial pain, or mechanical pain, occurs when you only feel discomfort in one specific spot. The pain may be sharp or it may be dull, however it always happens in the same area.

Oftentimes, an injury or muscle strain will cause axial back pain. Another characteristic of axial pain is that it tends to get worse when you’re doing certain activities. However, if you rest, the pain starts to alleviate on its own.

Referred Pain

Does your back feel achy all over? When you’re experiencing a general sense of dull achiness over your entire back, you have likely referred pain. Degenerative disc disease is a common cause of referred back pain.

Radicular Pain

When the pain is electrifying, it’s probably radicular pain. Sciatica pain is an example of radicular pain. When a health condition puts pressure on your spinal nerves, like a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, radicular pain can surface.

Live Pain-Free

Discovering why you’re experiencing pain in the middle of your back, can be relieving. Instead of worrying about what could be wrong, you can have a clear understanding of what it is you’re dealing with.

Talk to your doctor today about what treatment plans could help you lead a pain-free life. For more articles like this one, check out the rest of this site.