Don’t buy into the myth that a dentist will pull out your tooth because it is aching. Most dentists are conservative and aim for tooth preservation above all else. However, there are certain instances when your dentist will recommend a tooth removal. During this time, you may need the help of an oral surgeon that offers low-cost tooth extractions.

If you are worried about the pain and expense, your reaction is understandable. To help assuage your worries, read below to know more about the procedure you are going to face.

Why do your teeth need to be taken out?

In small children, baby teeth are commonly removed when the permanent tooth is out, but the milk tooth is still in place. To prevent growth misalignment, your dentist will require milk tooth removal.

In a significant number of teens and adults, most of the wisdom teeth are taken out because of the lack of jaw space, resulting in pain. In adulthood, other reasons for removing teeth may include excessive tooth infection, nasty tooth decay, and crowding of teeth. Those who need to have orthodontic braces put in will need some of their teeth pulled out to provide room to shift and realign the remaining healthy teeth.

Those who need an organ transplant, chemotherapy, or some other extensive surgery will need to have unhealthy teeth extracted to ensure that their mouth is healthy. This ascertains that nothing will compromise the other major health procedures.

Who will perform the procedure?

Depending on what needs to be taken out, your dentist or oral surgeon can get this done after a quick set of diagnostics like X-rays or CT scans. It is quite simple to remove visible teeth. However, teeth that are impacted below the surface require a more extensive procedure. But calm down. There is no need for you to worry. Teeth extractions are usually an outpatient procedure. You will be under local or general anesthesia, so your pain will be managed, and you can go home after.

How much does this cost?

The cost of extracting your tooth or teeth will depend upon your condition. An impacted set of wisdom teeth is a more complex procedure that will require more time and preparation. This can land you anywhere between $800 to $4,000 depending upon the scans, anesthesia, and which tooth to be taken out.

Simple extractions can cost between $75 to $200 per tooth. If you are concerned about the money, you can ask around for low-cost tooth extractions because several clinics offer payment plans that will meet your needs.

How must you prepare for a tooth extraction?

Before your tooth is pulled out, your dentist will take an X-ray or CT scan of the area. Tell your dentist what supplements and maintenance medications you take. If you are undergoing another medical treatment soon, be sure to tell your doctor. An IV treatment of bisphosphonate may cause bone death, so you have to extract your tooth before getting this drug into your system.

If you have existing health conditions, inform your dentist. These health conditions could be a congenital heart issue, liver problem, diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, damaged heart valves, adrenal disease, artificial joints, and history of bacterial endocarditis. Depending upon your existing health condition, your dentist may require you to drink antibiotics a few days before your tooth extraction.

Here are some tips to remember for the day of the procedure. This will ensure the best treatment is given to you:

  • If you are given general anesthesia, you may need someone to drive you home.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes if you are receiving IV anesthesia.
  • IV anesthesia or general anesthesia via mask means you must keep an empty stomach for six to eight hours before your appointment.
  • Do not smoke before your procedure.
  • If you have a cold or are not feeling well, tell your dentist because you may need to reschedule the appointment.

What to expect during the actual procedure?

Depending upon the oral work you need, it may be a simple case or a surgical one. Here’ what you can expect for both:

  • Simple: A local anesthetic is injected into your gums to numb the area. You can rest assured that you will not feel any pain during the process, but depending upon your tolerance, you may feel a bit of pressure. After injecting the anesthesia, your dentist uses a tool called an elevator to loosen your tooth. Then he uses forceps to remove it altogether.
  • Surgical: This is the more complicated procedure, so you may receive both local and IV anesthesia to calm you. Depending upon your overall health, general anesthesia may also be offered. In this case, you will be asleep. The oral surgeon will make a cut or incision in your gums. In some cases, the bone around your tooth or tooth itself may need to be cut up before it can be extracted entirely.

What are the possible risks?

There are a few risks involved, but the benefits of getting your tooth out will override the very minimal chances of complications. Possible risks include bleeding that lasts more than 12 hours, fever and chills that indicate infection, swelling of the surgical site, nausea or vomiting, and shortness of breath. If you feel any of these, contact your dentists ASAP.

Final Word

It may take a few days to recover from a tooth extraction. After your procedure, use an ice pack on your cheek to reduce the swelling. Follow your dentist’s advice and keep any gauze in place to reduce bleeding. Be sure to take all the prescribed medications, especially pain killers. Take a rest after the procedure and stick to a soft diet like yogurt, applesauce, porridge, and the like. It is essential to be patient because you can never rush healing. But don’t worry because you will be back to normal in no time.

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