Definition of Back Pain
Back pain is stiffness that can be felt along the spine, from the base of the neck to the coccyx. Back pain is generally not a disorder, but it is a symptom of several types of diseases.
Back pain usually results from problems with the vertebrae (vertebrae) with surrounding tissue, such as muscles, blood vessels or nerves. In addition, back pain can also appear as a symptom of other organic disorders around the spine, such as the kidneys. This pain may appear in the form of left or right back pain or both.
The presence of tense in spinal tissue (distention) is the most frequent cause of back pain complaints. Pain like this usually occurs when someone lifts heavy objects or exercises excessively.
Because the causes of back pain are very diverse, a diagnosis is needed to discover the cause. Once the types and causes of back pain are known, the doctor and the patient can plan well the necessary effective treatment methods.
Symptoms of Back Pain
Characteristics of back pain and other conditions that patients with back pain may feel, including:
- Acute pain in the back, both in the upper plus lower and neck. This condition feels especially shortly after performing certain activities or lifting heavy objects.
- Back pain that extends to the buttocks, the back of the thighs and the toes.
- The pain arises after sitting or standing for a long time.
- Stiff and persistent pain that is felt along the spine.
- Unable to stand without pain.
In addition to these symptoms, those with back pain should immediately consult a doctor if they experience more severe symptoms. Some of the symptoms of the back are more severe and require immediate medical treatment, including:
- Fever
- Difficulty urinating.
- Weight loss
- Back pain that does not go away after bedtime.
- Chest pain
- Pain in one or both
- Pain that worsens at night.
- You cannot resist urinating and defecating.
- The sensation of numbness in the genitals, buttocks or back of the body.
- Swelling and redness of the back.
Back Pain Treatment
The treatment of passing back pain varies, depending on the type, causes and severity of back pain suffered.
In general, the treatment of back pain can be divided into two, namely the treatment of back pain that has occurred recently (acute) or chronic (chronic) back pain
Treatment of acute back pain
Acute back pain can be treated with simple medications and done at home. However, if deemed necessary, patients with back pain can still consult a doctor. Some methods to treat acute back pain, which includes:
1)Â Â Â Â Use Recliner for Back Pain
The best solution of acute back pain is to use a reclining chair in your daily routine may at the office or at home. Because recliner gives ultimate comfort to your spinal cord and also provide headrest and footrest facility.
2)Â Â Â Â Doing light physical activity
People with back pain will think about resting until the pain goes away. But by continuing to do physical activity, especially in the back, even shorten the healing time. Mild exercise, such as walking or doing daily activities, will actually help the recovery of back pain.
In the early recovery period, patients need to adapt to the pain and discomfort they still feel. Patients can begin to heal with very mild activity and increase the intensity of day-to-day exercise. It is recommended not to participate in strenuous activities that can make the pain worse.
3)Â Â Â Â Compress
To help relieve muscle tension that causes back pain, patients can compress the affected area with hot or cold compresses. In addition to the compresses, you can also use warm patches or balms that can be purchased freely. If necessary, patients can also shower with warm water to help relieve pain.
4)Â Â Â Â Pain medications
Back pain can be relieved with pain relievers. Paracetamol is an over-the-counter pain reliever and can be used to relieve back pain.
In addition, you can also use painkillers prescribed by your doctor. Patients with back pain who take painkillers should be aware of the side effects of the medications used, such as heartburn, kidney failure or allergic reactions.
5)Â Â Â Â Change the lifestyle
Overweight, stress and poor posture can be a cause of back pain. Regular exercise can help prevent these three conditions, so you can avoid back pain.
6)Â Â Â Â Sleeping position
Changes in sleep position can help relieve pain and reduce pressure on the back. If back pain sufferers are used to sleeping on their backs, they can place a pillow under the knee.
Meanwhile, if he is used to sleeping on his side, the patient can lift the legs to the chest and then place a pillow between the legs. These positions will help keep your back in a normal position.
7)Â Â Â Â Chronic back pain treatment
If you experience chronic back pain that does not go away after more than 1.5 months, patients are strongly advised to consult a doctor. Some medications that doctors may recommend taking include:
8)Â Â Â Â Physiotherapy
Physical therapy is a therapy to improve motor function due to an injury, disability or illness.
9)Â Â Â Â Sports
The exercise aims to improve body posture and strengthen patients’ muscles. This goal can be achieved by stretching and doing aerobic exercises.
10)Â Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Negative feelings and thoughts that people have can make back pain worse. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) can help eliminate bad thoughts related to back pain, so it can help the healing process.
11)Â Surgery for back pain
The type of surgery that will be applied depends on the cause and severity of the pain suffered. The doctor will recommend the patient to undergo surgery if the pain experienced is continuous and feels unbearable to interfere with daily activities.
The following are some types of spine surgeries that can be performed:
Spinal decompression surgery
Spinal decompression surgery is performed to relieve back pain that arises due to pressure on the nerves. This operation is performed by eliminating pressure on the spinal cord. Decompression surgery can be performed on vertebrae, spinal cushions or joints that cause pressure on the nerves. It can be intimidating to live with severe nerve pain. Tolerating the pain sometimes becomes out of control, and that’s where Nerve Control 911 reviews claims to help.
Fusion or spinal fusion surgery
In this procedure, the neurosurgeon will join the joints that separate the spine that causes pain, so that the spine is more stable. This process is done to reduce the pain that arises from spinal movements.
And try to use best chair after back surgery. Because after Spinal Fusion surgery patients will be very careful about his sitting posture and reclining positing.
Prevention of Back Pain
The following are ways that can be done to prevent back pain and help reduce the severity of pain for those who have already experienced it:
Stay active in sports, such as swimming or jogging. To increase back muscle flexibility with yoga or Pilates, but stop the exercise if the pain gets worse
Try to control stress, tension or anxiety.
Wear flat shoes with pads at the base to reduce back pressure. Avoid sudden movements that can cause muscle tension.
If you feel back pain and are overweight, reducing weight can reduce bone burden and pain.
For active computer users, align the position of the keyboard with the navel so that the shoulders do not become depressed. Align the position of the computer screen with your eye to avoid neck strain.
Position the body posture well
Posture plays an important role in causing or preventing back pain. The health of the spine is determined by the position of lying, sitting and standing. The following are some tips to maintain an ideal posture.
Cover the head with a pillow. Also, make sure the pillow is not too high to bend your neck. Make sure the sleeping pad is thick enough to keep the spine straight and can support your shoulders and buttocks correctly.
Balance body weight on both legs. Stand with your back and head straight, and your legs straight. If you stand for a long time, place one foot on a slightly higher footrest to lift some of the weight of the spine. Change legs after a while.
Sit down
To maintain an ideal body position during writing, the elbow should be placed at a 90-degree angle with the keyboard always in line with the navel.
Back pillows or towel rolls can be used to maintain a normal posture. The sitting position should be changed regularly, at least every half hour.
Drive away
Adjust the seat space until the pedals are within reach. Make sure your lower back is well supported and your posture straight. Also, make sure the rearview mirror is at the right angle so you don’t have to look around or turn your body backwards or sideways.
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