Dysphagia is a clinical term used for describing someone who has problems swallowing. This condition may be caused by an underlying disease, but often aren’t. Some examples of non-disease causes include inadequate chewing, food that is too hot, pills, dry mouth, and taking bites of food that are too large. Due to how common this condition is today, there are a number of apps available to help with this problem.

Swallow RehApp

This is one of the newest mobile-hosted apps that are designed to provide a natural and effective complement for the traditional swallowing rehab regimen. It uses the power of mobile tech by offering patients with ongoing exposure to their customized dysphagia exercise plan along with related dysphagia education.

Doctors can customize the program in a way that’s specific to their patient’s needs and to track progress to their goals. One of the biggest benefits offered by this app is that it provides an education section that lets patients understand the swallowing disorder they have. For those with this condition, they may also find information about Simply Thick beneficial.

SmallTalk Dysphagia

With this app, individuals have access to more than 50 pre-recorded phrases for clinicians and patients to choose from to help describe a person’s eating and drinking equipment, diet modifications, compensatory swallowing techniques, the level of meal assistance needed, and how to take the prescribed medications. It also offers four videos of how to do the compensatory swallowing methods.

Swallow Prompt

This is an app that offers reminders to swallow for those who have problems trying to manage their saliva. This is often something that is difficult for those who have some type of neurological disorder. With this app, individuals can set the frequency of reminders of when they should swallow, which ranges from every one second up to six minutes. It’s possible to set a reminder for the app to be a vibration or a tone.

Dysphagia Therapy

Released in 2015, this app helps clinicians assess a person’s swallowing disorders to figure out the right rehabilitation options. There are four sections included in this app, including the assessment, treatment, therapy finder, and resources. The app also includes information about a person’s swallowing anatomy, the person’s cranial nerves, downloadable literature about the condition, and the various treatment options that are available.


This is another clinician app that’s designed to allow doctors or medical professionals to document any observations or data that is relevant to the swallowing evaluations while at a patient’s bedside. It’s possible to record the results of an oral mechanism exam along with any type of bedside swallow trials that are done. It’s also possible to document any positioning modifications or diet changes that are recommended as a treatment for this condition.

There is no question that dysphagia is a serious condition and it is one that affects millions of people. Due to the prevalence of this condition, there is not an array of apps and other resources available to help with this condition for both patients and doctors. This helps to ensure that the best possible treatment is provided to help alleviate the symptoms of this condition no and in the future, which is the ultimate goal of most people and their doctors.

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