Today, binge eating disorder is better understood than even in the recent past, and the current treatment reflects that understanding. BED was only added to the official list of mental health disorders, the DSM-V, in 2013 – prompting medical and psychiatric providers to take it as seriously as the eating disorder community does. A non-judgmental, evidence-based system of treatment in now expected – gone are the days of food-shaming or playing the blame game. A modern-day BED treatment program should also include the following:
The Understanding That There Isn’t Any Simple Cure
There’s no pill you can take, no simple trick – simply put, there is no magic cure for binge eating disorder. Any evidence-based binge eating disorder treatment center will understand this and make it clear that recovery is an ongoing process. Many people who have binge eating disorder turn to binge episodes when stressed or facing another emotional difficulty. When seeking treatment for an eating disorder, make sure the facility isn’t making outrageous claims but is instead devoted to a proved methodology.
A Staff Who Has Personal Experience With the Disorder
Binge eating recovery certainly has a place for medical and psychiatric experts who haven’t personally experienced BED. Medical professionals who are experts in the study of eating disorders and who stay current on the latest news, research and treatment are a vital part of any treatment team. However, it’s equally important to have access to team members who’ve personally gone through the recovery process and can relate to their clients. Treatment from a clinical team comprised of such members ensures that deep connections can be developed, and that true understanding takes place.
Treating More Than the Surface Symptoms
People with BED might have gained weight and suffer from medical complications related to obesity, such as hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes. However, simply treating the obvious symptoms won’t be effective in the long run. This simplistic approach to binge eating recovery doesn’t take into account the need to prevent future disordered behaviors, which have caused the medical issues in the first place. For most people, an eating disorder isn’t about food per se – it’s about compulsive actions and emotional coping. Learning about the underlying causes, developing a treatment plan and tweaking it as necessary are elements that are necessary for success.
They’ll Train You for Success After Treatment
Learning to manage impulses to binge eat during binge eating disorder treatment is a step in the right direction and can and can motivate someone to continue, but life outside treatment brings innumerable challenges. A commitment to making life changes that support the continued recovery lifestyle is also necessary. The tools, like journaling, mindful meditation, and self-esteem building exercises, that allow people to stay recovered should also be taught. Only with this level of support can a person’s binge eating recovery be a success.
The Facility Provides a Strong Aftercare Component
This ties into the life skills discussed above. While in-house during the direct treatment program at a binge eating treatment center, participants have access to an understanding, kind and loving support system. Once they’ve completed the program, an aftercare system of peers and professionals can help to keep that support net strong. Remember – recovery is an ongoing process, and it’s great to have resources.
Look for Accreditation and a Proven Record
The right binge eating treatment center is one that has the above elements – but there is no substitute for proven success. In particular, look for the seal of approval granted by the Joint Commission, which is the gold standard for healthcare services. In particular, an evidence-based methodology that’s transparent and empirical is also key. These proven methodologies ensure the individual that others have gone through the program, and the facility is above-board.
Recovery from BED or any other eating disorder can be initially intimidating, but the most important thing is to reach out and ask for help. Modern binge eating disorder treatment is available nationwide, with talented and dedicated professionals – there’s nothing to fear and nothing to lose by reaching out.
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