Neck pain due to a car crash will typically last between a few hours and several months, depending on your injury’s origin and extent. Neck pain due to a severe accident may, in some cases, be irreversible and may even require treatment or on-going therapy.

Following car crashes, several different forms of neck and back wounds may happen, with neck pain arising from each injury.  Learn all about each of these conditions below, and consider what action to follow if you have neck discomfort after a car accident. You can find out more about how an experienced personal injury lawyer can help here.

Have you been in a car accident lately?

Are you suffering from neck and shoulder pain after a car accident?

Here are some of the most common injuries that you suffer from right after a car accident.

Whiplash and Sprains

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries after an auto accident. A rear-end crash, particularly those with high speeds, is the most common type of automobile accident which causes whiplash. The whiplash takes place if the face of a man unexpectedly reverses, and then, just as instantly, carries on until he reaches the heart of an individual. The sharp snap on your neck stretches your muscles and makes the tendons and ligaments of your neck stretch out and tear down.

Whiplash neck and shoulder pain usually starts 24 hours after a collision. However, until several days after the accident, most patients do not feel whiplash damage. Whiplash neck pain usually lasts for a few days. In the three months, most people recover fully from whiplashes, according to the National Institute of Neurological Stroke Disorders.

Some common symptoms of whiplash

You may also develop these signs of whiplash injuries in addition to general neck pain and stiffness:

  • Dizzy blurry vision
  • Migraine (particular to the base of your skull),
  • A struggle focusing
  • Inability to sleep

What to do?

Victims can use over-the-counter pain killers, ice, and sleep to relieve minor whiplashes at home. However, when it is painful to move your neck, the discomfort extends over your hands and legs, the pressure escapes and then returns to the surrounding area.

Herniated Discs

A slipped or herniated disc is another injury that often contributes to neck pain after a car accident. This accident occurs when one of the discs in your backbone that supports the bones slips out. Since the discs do not protect your chest and back, you are going to experience pain and discomfort.

Therapy, including physiotherapy or continuous pain killers, also reduces pain from a slipped disc after six months. The suffering may, however, be eased by treatment in some cases.

Common symptoms of herniated discs

Apart from discomfort, the signs of a slipped disc include:

  • Blandness that usually appears on one side of the body,
  • tingling of the arm
  • burning sensations

What to do?

Slipping discs can be severe if one of the spinal nerves is affected by the slipped disc. If you do, you will be completely stiff, and even lose control of the intestine and bladder. You may need surgery to remove and patch the slipped discs when you suffer more severe injuries.

Widely recognized injuries and chiropractors?

These two injuries are one of the most widely known and suffered injuries due to a car collision. With the symptoms lasting for a few days to several weeks, it is inevitable that seeking professional help for your neck and shoulder pain after a car accident is required.

These internal injuries are often taken to the chiropractors for immediate care and treatment. There are certain benefits and reasons why chiropractic treatment is best for these pains.

Benefits of seeking chiropractic treatment

That car accident may not make a chiropractor one of the first physicians to see for trauma care afterwards. Nevertheless, if you have sustained injuries linked to the musculoskeletal system or neck, it can be a helpful person to contact. A chiropractor will evaluate the conditions and make treatment recommendations.

A survivor of a car accident may be shocked that he has just a couple of medications and not much more with respect to the treatment schedule. Back pain, neck pain, rigidity, soreness, and a limited movement are very familiar in those who had recently experienced a vehicle crash.

Here’s how your chiropractor will benefit you:

Lower Drugs Requirement:

Medicated treatment can be highly addictive. A heavy painkiller can become a continuing habit or dependency in the short term. Chiropractic adjustments will ensure that the actual injury is healed and that discomfort is not disguised merely as a consequence of medications.

Restoring Flexibility Range

And back accidents can contribute to limited mobility. If the muscles are inflamed, it may be difficult to turn and shift in other directions. Through mobilization of the backbone through chemotherapy modifications, the correct movement can be preserved, and the healing process facilitated.

Reduce Pain

Pain may be reduced not only in areas affected but throughout your whole body with spinal improvement. Most people immediately after an adjustment show substantial relaxation, which may be attributed to the released hormones that reduce pain.

Scar Tissue Reduction

After an accident, the muscle may become scarred, leading to rigidity to distress. A chiropractor may treat these scarred areas and help break down the plaque quicker than when it is left alone to recover. A person is likely to heal much better with less scar tissue.

Long-term Advantages

Chiropractic care may help prevent minor injuries from getting worse and more serious soon following a car crash.


Some common symptoms of whiplash you may also develop these signs of whiplash injuries in addition to general neck pain and stiffness. Therapy, including physiotherapy or continuous pain killers, also reduces pain from a slipped disc after six months. Back pain, neck pain, rigidity, soreness, and a limited movement are very familiar in those who had recently experienced a vehicle crash. Seeking a chiropractic treatment can be quite beneficial when it comes to dealing with the after-effects of the neck and shoulder pain caused by an accident.