Drug addiction is a big problem in the United States, but it’s not the only addiction problem. Click here to learn more about the most common addictions.

Estimates put the cost of addiction in America at over $740 billion annually. This doesn’t include the human cost, as all common addictions steal lives from us. People overdose, become depressed, reclusive, and act like completely different people.

Not all addictions are readily apparent. It takes many forms and people deal with them in different ways. It’s not always the stereotypical junkie feening for the next high.

To understand addiction better, we’re going to take a look at ten different types. Observe how each one compares and contrasts with each other.

10 Common Addictions

If you detect that your loved one or someone you know is addicted to any of these, find an Affordable Rehab Center. This is the only way they are going to get better. An addict is less likely to admit they have a problem with family/friends.

Alcohol Addiction

As many as 15 million people suffer from alcohol addiction in the U.S. Most addicts don’t see themselves as such, especially alcoholics. The line becomes blurred between social drinkers and binge drinkers.

Alcoholics are often portrayed as people who drink alone, but many will party and binge drink in groups. Excessive drinking is hard to come down from. It requires a complete change in lifestyle, friendships, and a good support team.

Gambling Addiction

The high associated with gamblers that “win” is comparable to cocaine. The behavioral patterns are similar, with the addict always looking for the next hit of dopamine. That rewards center in the brain lights up like a Xmas tree, just like the lights at the casino, reinforcing the addictive behavior.

Gambling addiction is devastating on so many levels, personal and familial. A gambling addict can hide their behavior for some time until they have drained their savings and placed their family in debt.

Eating Addictions

Eating addictions aren’t necessarily the same as eating disorders. Someone who uses food as a coping mechanism may binge eat only in stressful situations. An addiction to food becomes a problem when it starts affecting your health.

Sugars, fats, and salts are extremely addictive substances that have similar impacts on the body’s reward system as illicit drugs. The junk food industry has special formulas figured out to try to get people addicted to their products. A simple diet may not be enough to stop someone’s food addiction.

Video Game Addiction

For the last two decades, video games have become such a pervasive hobby for both children and adults. Spending long hours enjoying hobbies is not unhealthy in itself. The fact that video games are played indoors and seated makes them dangerous over long hours.

Video game addicts don’t know when to stop playing. They will play until it starts to create rifts in personal relationships and loss of financial security. Video game addiction often overlaps with gambling addictions, thanks to gambling mechanics being commonplace in most games these days.

Sex Addiction

This is another addiction that can be difficult to diagnose. Sex addicts don’t usually exhibit any of the other symptoms, like those found in substance abusers. Sex addicts not only have a lot of sex, but they will also jump between relationships to get it.

Your average person is unable to satisfy a sex addict, therefor cheating is the only way for them to get their fix. Sex addiction eventually spills over into other areas of life, so it is important to recognize it early on before it does.

Work Addiction

Workaholics are often glorified in today’s society. Working hard and hustling is tied to strength, but it can also become a weakness. Those that choose work over relationships and personal growth will harden and become irritable.

Work addiction eventually causes fractures in relationships and can greatly impact health. Those who work long hours without rest will run into problems with mental fatigue that often results in a poor quality of work or problems reaching professional goals.

Nicotine Addiction

Smoking is still a major cause of cancer in America. 90% of lung cancer rates in men, 70% in women, are caused by smoking. Quitting smoking is still very difficult to do alone. Nicotine patches, gums, and pills can help, but having a specialist guiding you is still recommended.

Prescription Opioids

The opioid crisis has reached a boiling point in America. So many people are addicted to prescription pills will often move onto heroin. They start with a short-term prescription to treat their pain, but cannot get off it.

Vicodin and Oxycontin are becoming more tightly regulated, but the problem persists due to a large influx of black market dealers.

Shopping Addiction

Spending too much is not an addiction, but shopping all the time is a real problem. Shopping addicts don’t necessarily shop for things they need or even want. It’s the transactional process they are addicted to.

Shopping addicts often express similarities to hoarders. The acquiring of “things” is an addiction. Shoppers are often saddled with similar life issues as gamblers, with the addiction impacting relationships and financial security.


Addicts that choose inhalants as their drug of choice are extremely vulnerable. They often turn to household cleaning products, compressed air, and gasoline to get their high. These products are potent and carry a high risk of overdose.

This is concerning because of how cheap and easily accessible these products are. Damage to the brain is highly likely, especially younger people who are often addicted to them.

Treating Addiction

No addiction is less harmful than another if the person addicted is completely oblivious or in denial. It is important for family and friends to identify, address, and take action to get the help they need. An intervention can save someone’s life.

If you suspect someone you know is struggling with common addictions, seek help from a local addiction center such as Substance Abuse Assessment in Houston, TX

Get them the help that they deserve, don’t give up on them if they have already expressed unwillingness to admit they have a problem.

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