Healthy and glowing smiles provide people with the confidence to step up and present themselves to everybody. On a deeper perspective, a good smile means more than just physical appearances; it greatly reflects the measures and routines you take to maintain your oral and dental health, as well as your overall health. To achieve a pretty smile, don’t focus on making your teeth whiter or more aligned. Instead, keep an eye on bacteria and infections.

To achieve the best smile, you may seek professional advice from local dentists, such as a Wheat Ridge dentist, if you live around this area. There are multiple ways for you to take care of your oral and dental health, preventing potential risks of having complications or conditions that can greatly impact your overall health. From having regular dental checkups to chewing gums, here are some of the best tips for promoting a healthy smile:

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

To monitor if your oral and dental health is well-maintained, you should have regular checkups with your dentist. If you don’t have existing oral problems, you can visit your dentist once or twice a year, but if you require more intensive care, you’ll need to see your dentist more often.

Most people have the misconception that you should only visit a dentist when emergencies and worst-case scenarios occur. In truth, you should still coordinate with your dentist to examine potential underlying conditions that may arise, considering your medical history and genetic inheritance. Moreover, your dentist can provide you with a personal routine and tips to take care of your teeth and gums, which can help you maintain or improve your smile.

It is also more advantageous to bring your family with you, especially your children, to help them with their oral and dental health. A family dentist in Wheat Ridge Colorado can help your whole family with their individual dental conditions. This way, you’re also setting a good example to your children when it comes to taking care of their oral and dental health.

 Brush And Floss Your Teeth Daily

As your mouth and teeth perform many activities, such as eating and munching food, drinking beverages, talking, and even unnoticeably biting into things, this can be a good place for bacteria to dwell in. Brushing your teeth should always be done twice or thrice, and flossing at least once daily.

This simple task is underestimated by many, but not brushing your teeth regularly could lead to health risks that won’t only affect your teeth and gums, but can also cause complications to your whole body. Not brushing and flossing regularly can lead to various illnesses such as gum disease, even dementia, pneumonia, erectile dysfunction, and more.

Brushing your teeth should only take two to three minutes, so you can play your favorite song while doing this to observe time. Your toothbrush should be changed every three months, as they wear and tear, too, causing less effectivity and performance in brushing your teeth.

Don’t Wash Out The Fluoride Completely After Brushing

For you to have a healthy smile, having pearly whites isn’t enough. You should also take into account how hard and strong your teeth are. While people try many ways to whiten their teeth, being knowledgeable about the effects of fluoride can help you develop better dental health.

Plaque and tartar can seep into hard-to-reach surfaces between the teeth, carrying anaerobic bacteria that multiplies exponentially without the presence of oxygen, thus dissolving the enamel and dentin in the teeth, making it weak and easy to decay. With the help of fluoride, it can combat the demineralization that occurs in the teeth.

After brushing, it is better to just spit out the toothpaste and leave the residue on your teeth, so that the fluoride in your toothpaste can work its wonders. However, if you find it uncomfortable during the day, then you can opt to do this before bedtime. Eventually, the fluoride will strengthen your teeth against cavity buildup and sensitivity.

Rinse Off Or Chew Gum After Every Meal

To make sure that harmful bacteria will leave your mouth, rinse off with an antibacterial mouthwash after brushing or flossing. This simple practice can prevent the emergence of tooth decay or, worse, gum infections and diseases.

Alternatively, you can also chew sugar-free gum after meals and snacks. Chewing gum and tasting the flavor of its artificial sweeteners can stimulate saliva flow in your mouth by about ten times. This could help in rinsing off bacteria and neutralizing acids in your mouth, thus preventing tooth decay and other diseases.

Seek Professional Services

Dental practices offered today could help you pull out the root of your dental issues. Thanks to the new technological upgrades in dentistry, new painless methods have been introduced, such as resin infiltration and stem cell regeneration. Unlike materials used in previous dental fillings that wear and tear over time, resin dedicated for your teeth will serve as a replacement.

Moreover, scientists are observing the effects of the drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, wherein it may possibly let a tooth regenerate and heal by itself by mobilizing them in the dental pulp. With the help of the Wnt signaling pathway—molecules forming a pathway responsible for many cellular activities—repairing different types of cells in the body can be boosted. Researchers speculate that the Wnt signaling pathway could also help in teeth regeneration and restoration.


Flashing off that healthy and glowing smile is not simply for giving off a good impression. Rather, it represents the good practices and measures you undertake to care for your teeth and gums. Be diligent in taking care of your oral and dental health to ensure that your teeth and gums are well-maintained and protected from various health conditions that may arise.


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