Americans spend well over $10 billion on teeth whitening products every year, with many of them choosing to visit their dentist to have this procedure performed.  However, one thing that concerns a lot of people is how safe over-the-counter products are.  Because many products use bleach as an active ingredient, many people are on the lookout for more natural remedies.  In this article, we’re going to explain four of the best ways to whiten your teeth.

Visit Your Dentist

It may sound obvious, but the best way to whiten your teeth correctly is to visit your dentist.  Clinics like Wayzata Dental that specialize in teeth whitening procedures know exactly what to do to improve the color of your teeth in the safest way possible.  In addition to performing a teeth whitening procedure in a clinical setting, dentists can also provide their patients with nighttime teeth whitening products.  Nite White, for example, is dentist recommended and literally whitens your teeth as you sleep.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda has natural teeth whitening properties so is often used as a teeth whitening solution.  It’s also a popular ingredient in toothpaste.  In addition to working as a mild abrasive – and helping to scrub stains away from teeth – it also creates an alkaline environment within your mouth, preventing bacteria from growing.  Baking soda won’t whiten your teeth overnight, but several studies have found that when used over time it can lead to some great results.  To use this remedy, simply mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the solution.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Used as a disinfectant and cleaning product for centuries, apple cider vinegar also has a number of properties which make it ideal for teeth whitening.  The main active ingredient in apple cider vinegar, acetic acid, is a great natural killer of bacteria, and it is this antibacterial property that also makes it good at whitening the teeth.  To use this remedy, simply swill it around in your mouth in the same way that you would a mouthwash.  The one downside to this product is that it can soften the enamel on your teeth so it’s not recommended that you use it daily.

Prevent Problems Before They Occur

Finally, while it’s not a teeth whitening remedy as such, it’s a good idea to know how to prevent discoloration problems before they occur.  In order to do this, you’ll want to avoid staining foods and beverages like red wine, coffee, and tobacco.  And, if you do decide to consume any of these, you should brush your teeth immediately afterwards to limit the amount of damage that they cause.  Ensuring your diet contains plenty of calcium can also help as this will help to strengthen the enamel and keep your teeth looking fresh and white.

How do you whiten your teeth?  Do you use natural remedies or visit your dentist?  Let us know in the comments.