The endometriosis treatment market is likely to exceed US$ 2.5 Bn in 2019, as per the findings of a recently published research study by FMI. According to the study, demand for endometriosis treatment is envisaged to grow against the backdrop of wide-spread prevalence of endometriosis affecting women, notably those in the reproductive age-group.

“According to the Endometriosis Foundation of America, around 200 million women worldwide are diagnosed with endometriosis and majority of them experience a prolonged delay in diagnosis. Alarming situations as such are driving the adoption of endometriosis treatment”, finds the FMI study.

The growing adoption of endometriosis treatment can be attributed to,

Increasing rates of endometriosis across the globe

High investments in healthcare infrastructure

Growing need for early diagnosis and preventive medicine

While the rate of new therapies gaining approval has remained sluggish over the recent decades, an extensive analysis of the endometriosis pipeline by FMI unveils that this status quo is set to change. Although only limited products are in development worldwide, the endometriosis pipeline remains relatively diverse with a distinct range of molecule types and molecular targets.

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