DrChrono has announced that its EHR, which runs on the iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch, has attained ONC certification for Meaningful Use Stage 3. The company believes it is the first to obtain that certification for a mobile-based product.The way that I look at the world and the way that the company looks at the world, everybody has a hugely powerful computer in their pocket where they can do a lot of powerful things, Daniel Kivatinos, DrChronos COO and cofounder told MobiHealthNews. So weve invested a lot of resources into making our EHR fully usable and fully reportable where you can enter a lot of data into the EHR on your iPhone or iPad as a provider. What really differentiates us is that a lot of EHRs are getting certified just for a web component and then they have an iPad viewer. We were the very first EHR to get Meaningful Use certified on an iPad for Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3.
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