Kevin Pho, known as KevinMD” on social mediashared his advice on how to harness social media to help transform healthcare. BOSTONKevin Pho, M.D., is an internal medicine physician. But hes probably best known as KevinMD, the doctor who is the founder and editor of the website that bills itself as social medias leading physician voice.His website,, provides a forum for thousands of physicians to write about topics that range from how to achieve financial success, to the lessons learned from dying patients to surviving a medical liability lawsuit.One reason why I became a doctor was to give patients a voicea voice when they are at their most vulnerable. Clinicians also needed a voice and thats one of the reasons why I started KevinMD. I wanted to be their voice,” said Pho, who advised doctors and practice managers on how to harness social media to help transform healthcare at the Medical Group Management Association annual conference in Boston last week.
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