Mobility strategies could do more for healthcare organization infrastructures in the long run than just allow for clinicians to better communicate. With the silver tsunami set to skyrocket demand for healthcare alongside forecasted staff shortages, providers are likely to face seemingly insurmountable challenges within the next few years.The good news is that health IT tools, such as virtual desktop infrastructure and telehealth, are coming onto the scene to streamline care. And over the next five years, mobility strategies are likely to be an important spoke in the wheel of improving care while relieving clinician burden, according to a new report by Zebra Technologies, The Future of Healthcare: 2022 Hospital Vision Study.Thanks to the adoption of clinical mobility, hospitals around the world are eliminating manual, error-prone procedures and replacing them with digital solutions that increase the accuracy of patient identification, streamline processes, improve the quality of patient care and enhance overall visibility, the report states. By digitally capturing information, data can be transmitted in real time to clinical staff, reducing even eliminating errors and delivering critical time savings.
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