Healthcare attorney Matthew Fisher on how providers can work toward better compliance policies and avoid common mistakes.BOSTON — For a healthcare organization to be HIPAA compliant it needs to ensure the right patient controls and rights are in place when it comes to protected health information. But in an age where cyber threats are growing in both sophistication and proliferation, it adds a level of complexity.HIPAA was established before these cyber threats became such an issue, which can cause some challenges with trying to keep up, said Matt Fisher, partner with Mirick OConnell, in opening the HIPAA compliance session at the Healthcare Security Forum on Monday.The best thing an organization can do is try to stay ahead of the issues, Fisher said. As soon as you identify issues that could turn into problems, you have to seek help. And dont try to do it alone.In fact, its cheaper to take care of issues up front, than to try and fix it after an incident has occurred, explained Fisher. Some of Fishers clients have attempted this route, but the thought process is flawed due to healthcares particular issues and nuances that can cause an organization to foul up.
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