BOSTON Health and Human Services chief information security officer Christopher Wlasich said there are three steps that hospitals should be taking today to bolster their security posture: join forces, treat your patching report like your profit-and-loss report and, at the very least, consider multifactor authentication.If you have the ability, then jump into the NH-ISAC, Wlasich said here at the Healthcare Security Forum on Tuesday. They can help. Its not just compliance, its also about preparedness and resilience.Several speakers including former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and President Obamas cyberescurity coordinator Michael Daniel also recommended that infosec professionals participate in the NH-ISAC, which stands for the National Healthcare Information Sharing and Analysis Center.UMC Health System information security officer Phil Alexander added that its not just the ISAC. Other options include the NIST and HITRUST frameworks, FBI and other listservs, Infragard.
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