The number of uninsured women in the U.S. fell by nearly a half, from 19 million in 2010 to 11 million in 2016.The Affordable Care Act was implemented in 2010. Since the inception of the ACA, the proportion of uninsured women in the U.S. fell by nearly one-half, from 19 million in 2010 to 11 million in 2016.The Commonwealth Fund has documented the healthcare gains that American women made since the ACA launch in their issue brief, How the Affordable Care Act Has Helped Women Gain Insurance and Improved Their Ability to Get Health Care, published this past August.Its especially noteworthy that women with low incomes made gains in coverage across racial and ethnic groups. In 2010,25 percent of Black women were uninsured and earned less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level; by 2016, that number fell to 16%49 percent of Latina women were uninsured and earned less than 200% FPL, falling to 32 percent in 2016.For white women, 31 percent were uninsured in 2010 with incomes less than 200% FPL, dropping to 12 percent in 2016.
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