It makes no odds if you are an exceptional dentist – if all areas of your practice aren’t up to scratch, you will struggle to find patients. But what are the keys to running a successful dental business? Let’s take a closer look with our dos and don’ts.
Do invest in admin systems
First impressions count when it comes to any line of business. If your admin is all out of sync with your customer’s expectations, it’s going to hit you where it hurts. So, your first port of call is to invest in a robust administrative system. It will give you the organizational capability that you need to manage patient checkups.
Don’t underestimate waiting times
Nobody likes waiting around for appointments, and if it’s a regular occurrence, you will lose patients. Again, this is an area that technology can help you with. Make sure that waiting times are monitored at all times, via your admin system. If people are waiting too long, your data will tell you. Overrunning your appointments? The data will tell you that, too.
Do find a suitable supplier
Like any business, good dental practices understand the importance of keeping on top of their stock. You don’t want to hold too much, but it can be a serious issue if you can’t find what you need. The key to everything is an excellent supplier that can react to your immediate needs. Take BF Mulholland, as an example. They offer same day delivery, which is an essential service to any dental practice wanting to keep on top of their stock levels. Can you find a supplier that offers something similar?
Don’t forget about your current patients
It can be easy to concentrate all of your marketing efforts into attracting new patients. There is value in this, of course. But never forget about your current crop. Retaining your patients is markedly less expensive than finding new ones, and there are also some excellent benefits. They will recommend you to friends and family, visit you with more regularity, and trust you to do the work that they need.
Do stand out from the crowd
What are your unique advantages that help you stand out from the competition? And, are you shouting loud enough about them? If you are a specialist in a particular area or have a broad range of services to provide, make sure that your patients know about them. It takes a lot of promotional activities to stick people’s minds, and you have to remember that most people only go to the dentist if they have a problem. When that problem comes, you have to be the first practice that springs to mind. Newsletters, flyers, billboard advertising – they can all help you get into people’s subconscious. If you struggle with the marketing side of things, find a health-oriented marketing firm for help.
Don’t avoid training your staff
Finally, for your practice to progress, you will have to keep training. But, you will also have to do the same for your employees. Your assistants need the chance to learn new skills and arrange for your admin team to improve their customer service. All areas of your business can get a lift from employee training – and it will bring you further success.
This post has been contributed by Beth Jone
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