Addiction is the inability to restrain from the use of harmful substances such as alcohol or drugs. However, this also includes the inability to resist compulsive behavioral patterns such as gambling, internet addiction, smoking, and even excessive eating.

With every addiction, there is an abnormally high impulse that prompts its reoccurrence. 

These dependencies are capable of ruining your psychology and physique

In the United States, statistics from a Center for Addiction Treatment in Cincinnati, Ohio, have it that there is a rapid increase in the death of individuals as a result of substance overdose. 

Due to the dangers that arise from the increase in addiction, healthcare providers in Cincinnati have ensured that its residents have an addiction recovery center to enhance addiction treatment in Cincinnati. This will help every individual determined to recover from addiction, get the help they deserve, and also sensitize the public on the effects of addiction.

This is why it is encouraged that everyone who has an addiction, takes a decision to quit. The decision to quit is the first step in every addiction recovery. It consists of discarding, destroying, and completely letting go of all those addictive things as well as their sources.

However, irrespective of how devastating and chronic the impact of addiction can be, there is always a possibility for a complete recovery. Addiction recovery requires strict adherence to most of the steps necessary to enhance your well-being.

But how can you return to health from an addiction? This article will guide you through the do’s and don’ts for a successful addiction recovery journey.

6 Things You Must Do for a Successful Addiction Recovery

  • Take a Decision To Quit

The decision to quit is the first step in every addiction recovery. It consists of discarding, destroying, and completely letting go of the source and item of your dependence. 

Get rid of every alcohol bottle, poker chip, playing card, wine glass, and anything that could trigger your craving.

In addition, set boundaries with your dealers and suppliers of the items you’re addicted to. Tell them not to call, text, or remind you to make a purchase. Inform them of your decision and stand by it. 

The day you decide to quit can be as remarkable as your birthday or anniversary. It can also be celebrated as the day you took a bold step towards wellness. 

  • Reflect on the Effect of Addiction 

Addiction recovery is a process that requires lots of patience. During the recovery process, you must have a deep reflection on how addiction has affected your life.

In addition, write notes on the reasons why you decided to quit and what you want to achieve in the process. Stamp the note at a place where only you can have access to it, this will serve as a reminder to motivate you.

  • Change Your Environment

Your residence has a major impact on your recovery. For example, if you want to quit gambling and are surrounded by individuals who gamble, they can stop by your doorstep to remind you of their activities, which could trigger the urge.

However, if you are unable to leave your environment due to a lack of financial stability, find the closest rehabilitation center in your vicinity and enroll.

In addition, just like every rehabilitation center, Cincinnati rehabilitation center has professionals who are dedicated and patient in guiding you through your journey. 

  • Carry Out Productive Tasks

The addiction recovery phase can be quite difficult as a result of the heightened craving you might experience. To this effect, you must get occupied with things of importance that will contribute immensely to your growth and well-being. This would create a reasonable barrier between you and the triggers. 

A lot of addiction recovery centers have stated that exercise is one of the best ways to create distance from triggers, as it improves your appearance, maintains your health and occupies your time.

In line with this, The World Health Organization (WHO), has also introduced simple life skills such as communication, self-awareness, problem-solving, and self-control skills which have been implemented by lots of rehabilitation centers in Cincinnati. These skills facilitate the recovery of addicts and enhance their personal life.

  • Join a Support Group

It’s no news that Independent recovery has not always been successful. Therefore, it is important to speak of your advancements to a well-meaning individual. 

Be it a family member, a friend, or anyone whom you are comfortable talking to. But ensure the person understands and wouldn’t judge you. 

You might be wondering why this should be a part of your journey. Take a family gathering as an example, where alcoholic beverages could be served. If your family is aware you’re trying to quit alcohol, they will substitute it for something else and not trigger your craving.

Speaking to family members about your journey prevents them from bringing the object of your addiction anywhere around you. The care and encouragement you get from them would be a source of motivation for you.

In cases where you are not comfortable speaking with family, look around for a support group that you can benefit from, especially one where individuals battling addiction share their progress. You will find success stories to help you through your recovery journey.

  • Talk to a Healthcare Specialist 

Healthcare providers are equipped with the exact knowledge you need to get through addiction. They can equally prescribe medications that can yield tremendous effects on your recovery and enhance your recovery.

What You Should Not Do During Your Addiction Recovery Phase

For every successful addiction recovery journey, there are certain things an addict must not do to maintain and facilitate complete sanity. They are as follows:

  • Compare Your Progress With That of Others 

In support groups, addiction success stories are commonly shared to tell you that there is indeed a possibility that you’d get well. While listening to their progress, do not try to compare yourself with them. 

You are not in a competition. Their stories are meant to be a source of encouragement to you and not a comparison.

  • Expect an Instant Recovery

Even though recovery from addiction is possible, it takes time. For some people, it could take a few months, and for others, a little over two years or even more. But what matters is that you’re making progress.

Therefore, you should be patient with your progress and acknowledge self-restraint. Embrace the sanity that comes from sobriety and maintain it.

  •  Start Another Addiction During Your Recovery 

While trying to move on from an addiction, you may make the mistake of getting attached to a different item to help you quit the other. 

This will only keep you going back and forth with an addiction. If you discover that you have been excessively using a particular item, dispose of it immediately.

  • Think You Can Do It Alone

You should be honest and factual when speaking about your addiction and the progress you’re making. Keeping it all in can only affect your mental health and slow down your treatment.

To enhance addiction treatments, Ohio treatment centers, and all other addiction recovery centers, offer therapy services to in and out-patients during and after their recovery phase.

Therapy is a confidential process so you need not worry because whatever you say to the therapist remains a secret. 

  • Limit Yourself

Everybody makes mistakes. Being a victim of addiction shouldn’t make you belittle yourself. Rather, take notes of the efforts and progress you’re making. Set daily tasks every day for yourself and make sure you complete them.

  • Avoid Triggers

One bite can lead to many bites. Avoid using any item that you have been addicted to in the past or presently battling. This will save you from going back to it thereby ruining your recovery process.

It’s Time To Quit

Now that you know that anyone battling addiction can make a full recovery. However, it solely depends on the individual’s decision to quit.

Adhering to the do’s and don’ts in this article and with the right motivation, you can make tremendous progress in your recovery. 

Kindly share this article with anyone you know who is struggling with an addiction. This article will be beneficial to them.