Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to reduce the size and improve the shape of overly large or sagging breasts. The purpose of this procedure is to create a more aesthetically pleasing breast contour, alleviate any discomfort caused by excessive breast tissue, and/or improve function in daily activities such as exercise. Breast reduction can be helpful for women who experience unwanted attention due to their breasts being too large or heavy. It may also help women avoid future physical problems that could be caused by having overly large breasts.

Who Might be In Need of Breast Reduction?

Candidates for breast reduction are typically women who suffer from discomfort because of their overly large or sagging breasts.

Physical symptoms and discomfort associated with large breasts

Large, heavy breasts can cause a variety of physical symptoms and discomfort for women. Physical issues can include neck, back, and shoulder pain due to the additional weight of the breasts on the upper body; impaired posture due to the added strain on the spine; chafing or irritation in the skin beneath the breast crease; difficulty finding clothing that fits properly; and bra straps leaving deep marks on the shoulders.

Emotional and psychological factors contributing to the decision

Emotional and psychological factors are often a major factor in the decision to undergo breast reduction surgery. Many women who have overly large or sagging breasts may feel self-conscious or embarrassed, as well as experience low self-esteem due to their appearance. Additionally, those with overly large or sagging breasts may be subject to unwanted attention or even ridicule from others.

Considerations for age, overall health, and breast development

Women considering breast reduction surgery should be in good overall health and have fully developed breasts. Age is also a factor to consider when deciding to undergo this procedure, as it is typically advised for women over the age of 18. Women who have not yet had children should also be aware that pregnancy may cause an increase in breast size, meaning that they may need to undergo the procedure again after childbirth. Additionally, women who are considering future pregnancies should be aware that breast reduction surgery can affect their ability to breastfeed.

Surgical Techniques for Breast Reduction

There are a variety of techniques used for breast reduction and each technique is designed to achieve different results depending on the patient’s individual anatomy and desired outcome. The various techniques also provide benefits such as reduced scarring or improved symmetry. Ultimately the surgeon will decide which method is best suited to the patient.

Anchor incision (Wise pattern)

The anchor incision (also known as the Wise pattern) is a surgical technique commonly used for breast reduction. This technique involves making an incision in a keyhole shape around the areola and extending downward around the outside of the natural breast crease. The excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue are then removed to reduce the overall breast size, restore the shape of the breast, and reposition the nipple.

Vertical incision (Lollipop or LeJour technique)

The vertical incision (also known as the Lollipop or LeJour technique) is another technique used for breast reduction surgery. The incision made for this method begins around the areola and extends downward in a “lollipop” shape. This allows the plastic surgeon to remove excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue from the lower part of the breast to reduce its size and reposition the nipple.

Inverted T incision (T-shaped incision)

The inverted T incision (also known as the “T-shaped” incision) is a surgical technique typically used for larger reductions. In this technique, an incision is made around the areola and extends downward in a “T” shape. This allows the surgeon to remove excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue from multiple areas of the breast, resulting in a significant reduction in size. Additionally, it also helps to restore a more even shape to the breast and reposition the nipple.

Scarless or minimal scar techniques (short scar, liposuction-only)

Scarless or minimal scar techniques are a more recent advancement in breast reduction surgery. These techniques minimize the number of incisions made, thus reducing the amount of scarring and recovery time for the patient.

  • The short scar technique is one such method that involves making a single incision within the natural breast fold. Through this incision, excess fat and glandular tissue is removed to reduce the breast size.
  • Liposuction-only techniques involve making one or more small incisions around the nipple and using liposuction to remove fat from the breasts. This method is often used for patients who desire a smaller reduction in size or who have thicker skin that does not respond well to incision techniques.

Liposuction technique

The liposuction technique is a minimally invasive option for breast reduction that does not involve making an incision. This method involves using a device that suctions away excess fat from the breasts to reduce their size, while also improving their shape and restoring symmetry.

Considerations Before Choosing Breast Reduction Technique

Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, it is crucial to consider various factors that can help determine the most suitable technique for achieving the desired results. One essential consideration is the size and shape of the breasts, as well as the amount of tissue that needs to be removed. Different techniques, such as the anchor incision (Wise pattern), the vertical incision (Lollipop or LeJour technique), or minimal scar techniques, offer varying degrees of breast reshaping and scarring.

The patient’s individual anatomy and breast composition also play a significant role in technique selection. Additionally, the surgeon will assess factors such as nipple position and areola size to determine the best approach for achieving symmetry and proportionality. The patient’s lifestyle and activity level are essential considerations as well. For those with a more active lifestyle, techniques that prioritize shorter recovery times and minimal scarring may be preferred.

Lastly, the patient’s personal preferences, goals, and expectations regarding breast size and shape should be openly discussed with the surgeon to ensure that the chosen technique aligns with their desired outcomes. By carefully considering these factors, patients and surgeons can collaboratively determine the most suitable breast reduction technique to achieve optimal results tailored to the individual’s unique needs and goals.