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Scientific studies estimate the presence of hundreds of different bacteria in our mouths. And many of these pathogens are harmful to our health. Proper oral hygiene is the only surest way to control their actions, interference, and colonization. But oral health is not essential to prevent cavities and other dental problems alone. Dental health has an ignorable role in overall health and well-being, as many oral health complications are signs and symptoms of problems elsewhere in the body. Likewise, other acute and chronic ailments can also cause or promote oral health issues. For instance, cavities are more rigorous in patients with diabetes. Acid reflux due to gastrointestinal problems can cause a foul smell in the mouth and lead to teeth erosion and dental caries.

Even if you do not have a prevailing condition, minor issues like toothbrush-related abrasions, mouth lesions, or tongue sores take longer to heal. In such cases, a weaker immune system, nutritional deficiency, stress, hormonal changes, allergic reactions, or infections all share a common link. In short, oral health offers glimpses of several health issues and helps intervene on time.

Oral Issues and Well-Being Connection

Regardless of age, lifestyle, and hygiene practices, oral issues can affect all of us. Timely prevention and care are the best ways to control health issues from worsening. Unfortunately, people pay less attention to oral health complications till they lead to severe diseases like cancer.

Do you know that the leading cause of death in Washington is cancer, including mouth cancer? Failing to act on time can lead to worsening health. Fortunately, you can get professional oral treatments in Washington, thanks to its state-of-the-art technologies in dentistry, especially in Kirkland. Kirkland, famous for its livable feature and inclusivity, is a city that boasts advancement in all sectors. So, individuals here won’t face a tough time searching for reliable dental experts.

If you’re already aware of your dental health issues and looking for a dental expert, Google the best orthodontist near me in Kirkland, WA, to get proper treatment.

Now, let’s explore the importance of oral health in more depth and learn tips for keeping your white pearls vibrant and healthy.

  1. Cardiovascular ailments

Cardiovascular ailments are a group of diseases related to the blood supply network and the heart. Studies show a symbiotic connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular health issues, including clogged arteries, coronary arteries, heart attack, and stroke.

Scientists reveal that the bacteria causing gum infections in the mouth can also travel to other body parts and trigger inflammation anywhere in the blood vessels and bloodstream. Studies have shown the presence of bacteria in deposits of fat or plaque narrows blood vessels. Gum infections, toothbrush scratches, or dental procedures like tooth extractions facilitate access to harmful pathogens in the heart and bloodstream. Endocarditis infection is another cardiovascular ailment having fatal consequences for patients with prevailing heart health issues, and it also has oral bacteria as the most common etiologic agent.

  1. Complications in pregnancy

A link between pregnancy and oral health seems strange. But poor oral hygiene and dental issues can increase risks for pregnant women and their fetuses. Studies document that gingivitis is common in nearly 60 to 75% of expecting mothers due to hormonal changes in their bodies. Gingivitis is a preliminary stage of periodontal disease that can cause tooth loss if treatment is delayed. And more than that, poor oral health facilitates the growth of many infective bacteria that can travel to the womb and cause harm to the delicate fetus. Mothers can also transmit diseases causing oral bacteria to their newborns during intimate contact with them. As a result, studies estimate that children of mothers with untreated dental caries are three times more prone to cavities. In addition, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and poor oral hygiene can cause complications like miscarriage, still childbirth, low birth weight, gestational diabetes, and slow or restricted fetal growth.

  1. Pneumonia

If you have consistent oral health issues, an already exhausted immune system cannot counterbalance the side effects of pathogens. Unfortunately, harmful agents can cause and trigger inflammation, irritation, or infections anywhere in the body, including the lungs and airways. And pneumonia is an inflammatory infection of the lungs that correlates with poor mouth hygiene. Dental plaque or food residue facilitates the colonization of infection-causing microorganisms if you do not brush and floss your mouth after consuming foods and drinks. Your mouth is like a reservoir for pathogens. It offers an abode and facilitates their movement throughout the respiratory tract and lungs via aspiration or breathing. Either way, harmful pathogens can stick to the airways and lungs and increase the risk of pneumonia. Germs travel back and forth throughout the respiratory network, even if you practice oral hygiene rituals regularly. But regular oral hygiene practices inhibit their growth.

  1. Stunting and impaired growth

Stunting or inhibited growth is a global challenge for children of the development age. Though nutritional deficiency, malnutrition, or recurrent infections in the development age are the chief causes behind stunting in children, poor oral health is also one of the risk factors. Studies reveal that saliva helps brush off food plaque from teeth, tongue, and gums, whereas plaque acts as a food source and an adhesive for bacteria to attach to the mouth’s mucosal surface and teeth. But nutritionally-deficient individuals have a slow flow rate of saliva and mouth dryness. And their saliva also lacks nutrients that help prevent bacteria from attacking teeth and gums.

The reverse theory also holds validation, which means poor oral hygiene can affect food choices and lead to malnutrition, even in older individuals. Malnutrition and oral health issues further promote frailty syndrome and sarcopenia, where both conditions relate to the loss of muscular and skeleton mass and overall body strength, fitness, and endurance.

  1. Diabetes-related complications

Studies show that chronic infections like periodontal disease can increase complications for overall well-being even if you do not have other existing health issues. And complications multiply when your body fights multiple chronic ailments. One such combination is periodontal disease and diabetes. Controlling blood glucose levels is the most challenging task for diabetes patients. But do you know that oral problems can also affect your blood glucose even if you take proper dosages of diabetes medicines? Oral infections like periodontal disease can exacerbate glycemic control, causing higher glucose concentration in the blood.

On the other hand, uncontrolled diabetes also affects oral health. For instance, diabetes thickens the blood, minimizes blood flow to the gums and teeth, and causes a deficiency of essential vitamins, minerals, and oxygen. Patients with diabetes also have sugar-concentrated saliva, which promotes bacteria growth and oral infections.


Regular oral health checkup is essential well-being maintenance practice, even if you do not have a general dental health issue. But overlooking dental health means facilitating a safe abode for harmful bacteria and compromising your well-being. So, cater to dental health signs and symptoms to prevent oral and overall well-being complications from progressing. And do not compromise on hygiene rituals. Regular hygiene practices help balance oral bacteria and prevent their invasion elsewhere in the body.