There are multiple factors that contribute to hair loss in men, be it genetics or health and stress-related issues. But do any vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss? Here, we take a closer look at the relationship between vitamin deficiencies and hair loss and explain what you can do to improve the strength and thickness of the hair on your scalp.

Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss

Scientists have found that insufficient levels of vitamin D within the human body can negatively impact hair growth. Primarily, this is due to the fact that vitamin D plays a critical role in the stimulation of the hair follicles on your head. Therefore, without sufficient levels of vitamin D, hair growth might become stunted. For instance, one study was able to draw a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and alopecia, which is the condition typically responsible for bald patches on the scalp.

If you don’t get sufficient sunlight, you’re at risk of becoming vitamin D deficient, so a supplement might be required.

What about other vitamin deficiencies and hair loss?

It’s not just a lack of vitamin D that can affect your hair growth. In fact, people who don’t get sufficient levels of vitamin B7 in their diets can also suffer from hair loss. Vitamin B7 is also known as Biotin, and it plays a crucial role in the production of a protein called keratin. Keratin is important because it’s a building block for your hair, nails, and skin. Without sufficient levels of Biotin in the body, you might suffer from thinning or weak hair, as well as brittle nails. As such, people who are Biotin deficient are much more likely to suffer from hair loss than those who have sufficient levels of this key nutrient in their bodies.

In addition to Biotin, some scientists have also pointed to the fact that low levels of zinc and selenium can cause hair loss, but research is limited, and it’s difficult to draw conclusions. Ultimately, the best way to protect yourself from vitamin deficiency is to eat a balanced diet and take the right supplements, as we explain below.

Treating vitamin-deficiency-related hair loss

First and foremost, you need to think carefully about the food that you eat. You can get vitamin D from oily fish, red meat, and liver, and spending a decent amount of time in the sunlight every day can also make a big difference to your vitamin D levels. In terms of vitamin B7, you can get it from the likes of salmon, eggs, avocados, pork, and sweet potatoes, while a Biotin supplement can also help to prevent hair loss. Men who take a Biotin supplement regularly over a sustained period are less likely to be deficient and will see an improvement in the thickness and fullness of their hair.

The bottom line

Ultimately, vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss, so it’s really important to consider your diet as well as the supplements available to you. Also, if you’re suffering from male pattern hair loss, be sure to check out Sons’ range of clinically proven treatments so you no longer have to suffer from the condition in silence.

So, while it can undoubtedly be worrying, if you notice that your hair is thinning, remember that you can take action and do something about it before it becomes overbearing.