The average American person is dealing with a lot of stress – fact. Indeed, a recent Gallup poll found that American workers are among the most stressed anywhere in the world, with over 50% reporting feelings of stress and being overwhelmed in the workplace. Medical and lifestyle science has done a lot to try and remediate this issue, and has made huge progress – but new advancements are always on the way. A look at the latest developments in the arena of stress management can help to shed a light on the proper management of the condition.
Losing sleepÂ
The world has been through a very tumultuous phase, especially since 2020. Between the coronavirus pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, and a very volatile economic outlook, American workers are dealing with more existential stress than perhaps ever before. According to one study, published by ScienceDaily, this is a chief cause of keeping Americans up at night, with 20% of people losing sleep. The latter problem, economic volatility, is particularly pressing. As economic problems mount up, so too do medical and legal issues, stemming either from HR issues at work or from the deleterious impacts of stress. As such, researchers are recommending a greater amount of the day be given over to meditation and thinking to help process events, and that individuals disconnect themselves from 24-hour news cycles to help give their brain time to process.
Developing categorization
The many-faceted nature of stress has, historically, made it difficult to quantify in medical terms. It leans into mental health, cognitive ability, executive function, and physical wellness. However, new research, analyzed by Forbes, highlights a shift in thinking from the scientific community. According to the research, stress can be categorized into one of five ways; emotional elements of stress belief; physical elements; interpersonal; cognitive; and behavioral. By breaking down the stress pattern, or cycle, in this fashion, it becomes easier to assess stress and look at treating it properly.
Detection by dogs?
Often, the toughest aspect of stress is detection. There are acceptable levels of stress in day-to-day life, whether that’s at work, in finances, or with family. A small amount of urgency and impetus can help to improve decision-making, drive forward productivity, and generally help to make life better. It’s seeing the boundary between healthy and unhealthy stress that’s more difficult, and, often, can be pushed over before the individual has a chance to react. According to research by Queen’s University, Belfast, there could be a way to detect stress – and it will come in a four-legged form. Research has shown the aptitude of dogs in detecting, or smell, stress, and especially where it isn’t normally present. This offers an avenue of hope in early detection, especially for those families with canine friends.
Tackling stress will help to bring the overall quality of life improvements. With new research, the full-body, holistic impact of stress is starting to be better understood. That will bring with it new and better treatments, and a better outlook for all.
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