Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger from Pexels
There has been a lot of debate about when people should start checking their testosterone levels. It is critical for people to understand that it is not an age-specific thing; it just depends upon your health and the type of person you are. There have been many variables found in determining the ideal starting point, for instance, age and weight. Thus, something that works for most people may not work for you.
What Is Testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics. That includes maintaining muscle mass and strength, promoting secondary sexual characteristics, and maintaining libido. Typically, testosterone is secreted by the testicles and adrenal glands, but many people have abnormal amounts of testosterone in their bodies that necessitate hormone replacement therapy. Testosterone levels are highest during puberty and slowly decrease as people age. In a healthy man, testosterone levels are between 300 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).
Side Effects of Low Testosterone
There are many side effects that can result from too little testosterone. Some of these side effects include fatigue and mood changes, making work very difficult. However, the most common side effect of low testosterone is erectile dysfunction. It occurs because the testicles do not produce enough testosterone to maintain an erection properly. Additionally, if a man does not have enough testosterone in his system, he will start forming fatty deposits around the heart and liver that can lead to various health problems, including diabetes, over time. Additionally, some evidence links low levels of testosterone with depression and heart disease later on in life.
At What Age Should You Start Checking Your Testosterone Levels?
Whether you are over sixty or younger than thirty, testing your testosterone levels is something that you should be doing. Even if your levels are normal, there is no harm in checking them from time to time. It is crucial for men to do it regularly because it can help them see any changes as they go through the years.
What to Bring to Your Doctor
Before going to the doctor, it is best to do some research. Many people do not know what the testosterone level should be for their age, which is important information. You will also want to know if any other signs or symptoms are present if your doctor did not already suggest them. These can include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, loss of bone density, and more. Most people do not realize these symptoms can be related to low testosterone levels.
When you visit a doctor, they will test you using urine or saliva, and if there are any abnormal hormone levels, they will advise you on the supplements you can use. Alternatively, you can test the levels of the hormone at home using a testosterone test kit. Ensure that you are honest with yourself if you find the levels abnormal.
How Can I Increase My Testosterone Levels Naturally?
There are plenty of different supplements and natural remedies that you can use to naturally raise your testosterone level without any prescriptions. Some of the best things include eating a healthy diet, taking supplements such as fish oil, using gym equipment for weight lifting exercises, taking yoga classes, and sleeping well. The truth is that these things combined will naturally raise your testosterone levels.
The Bottom Line
It is imperative for men to monitor their testosterone levels so that they know how well they are doing as they age. These levels can change, and there are a variety of symptoms and potential side effects that men need to know about.
When it comes down to it, it depends on the individual and their specific health issues. If you are experiencing symptoms and your levels are slightly lower than average, you likely do not need to do anything about it. However, if you are experiencing additional symptoms typically related to low testosterone levels, it is best to pay a visit to a doctor.
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