Having a strong marketing strategy is crucial to the success of any business, no matter the field in which you’re operating. The right marketing will not only help increase awareness of your brand, but it will allow you to reach people who are most likely to need your help.

If you’ve recently opened a physiotherapy clinic, you may be wondering what you should be doing to bring in new clients and increase your revenue. From traditional printed promotional materials to digital marketing, there are a number of methods that could help raise your brand’s profile.

Here, we explore how to promote your newly opened physiotherapy clinic.


Satisfied clients are often happy to promote your business to friends, family, colleagues, and other people they know who might be interested in your services. Offering printed materials such as booklets and flyers detailing the services you offer, the prices you charge, and your contact details will make it easy for others to spread the word about your business.

You may also want to consider offering a referral scheme where clients who refer a friend receive a voucher or a discount on their next visit. This will not only remind people to promote your business, but it will provide them with an incentive to do so.

SEO strategy

Many people forget that the most important aspect of running a website is to ensure people who are likely to need your services will see it. Learning about SEO strategy and incorporating SEO keywords into your web content will improve the chance of your website showing up in search results on Google.

There are various SEO guides designed for small businesses which you can use to understand the basics. However, if you feel you need some expert guidance it may be worth speaking to a content specialist or a digital marketing agency.

Social media

Social media is a fantastic resource for promoting your business and the work you’re doing. It also has the added benefit of allowing your audience to engage directly with you, which many other forms of digital marketing can’t offer.

Utilizing social media will also enable you to reach a much wider audience than you would by advertising your business locally.

Sporting events

Attending and participating in local sporting events will give you the opportunity to get your name out in an industry that likely has many people who need your services. Events also offer the chance to network with other professionals, who may be able to recommend your business to people they know.

Larger sporting events such as marathons or Tough Mudder-style competitions often offer brand sponsorship opportunities. This could give you the chance to set up a stand on site to help promote your business.