Hearing loss is a common disorder these days. Hundreds of millions of people around the world have hearing problems and the figure is constantly growing. What is causing the problem? The organs of hearing are complex. It is, however, a rather fragile system. And the modern way of life, especially in large cities, negatively affects the state of the hearing organs. Constant noise exposure, stress, bad habits, loud traffic, and the complications of viral infections seriously threaten hearing health. Moreover, there are age-related changes. They often lead to a gradual decrease in hearing acuity. This is because the hair cells that respond to external sounds and create and transmit electrical signals further to the brain, do not recover after damage. If you damage them, you’ll begin to experience hearing difficulties.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that we take healthy hearing for granted. Many lack awareness of this matter. How many people, especially teenagers, know that listening to music with in-ear headphones above 75 decibels is detrimental to hearing? Few people think about it and are surprised at the moment when the doctor makes a diagnosis – hearing loss.

However, not everything is so sad. Today some medical methods and means restore lost abilities effectively and safely. If you have hearing loss, your audiologist will most likely prescribe hearing aids Staten Island for you.

There are hundreds of devices on the market today. They differ in type, design, power, and additional features. However, there are also advertisements advising people to save money and buy a hearing amplifier. As statistics show, many people choose a hearing amplifier without thinking about the consequences.

What is the difference between hearing aids and sound amplifiers? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

A few words about hearing aids

Every person who encounters hearing loss for the first time asks himself a question. What to choose to compensate for the loss: a hearing aid or a hearing amplifier? First, let’s define what is a hearing aid and how does it work?

A hearing aid is a medical electronic device. It restores lost hearing in people with hearing problems. The main task of the device is to highlight external sounds, and human speech and ensure their clarity as brightly as possible. Wherever you are (noisy company, cinema, street, house), the hearing aid adapts to the environment, providing maximum efficiency.

It is important to understand that hearing aids are used to correct and compensate for hearing loss at different frequencies. These frequencies depend on the specific hearing problem. They are individual. Therefore, to choose the most suitable device, you should seek the help of an audiologist.

A hearing care professional can conduct the necessary hearing testing, including audiometry. Based on the results of these tests, he’ll make the correct diagnosis and select a hearing aid of the required power. Be sure to tell the professional about your hobbies, desires, and lifestyle. The doctor will take into account your wishes and select the appropriate model. It’ll meet all the requirements for comfortable use. For example, if you swim a lot, then you might want to purchase a waterproof hearing aid. If you run a lot and have mild hearing loss, small in-ear devices are perfect for you.

The choice of hearing aid depends on many factors. Each device is selected and configured individually for each user. This is necessary to achieve maximum effect and comfort. The final choice of device depends on the degree of hearing loss, the individual characteristics of the structure of the middle ear, age, hobbies, etc.

 Thanks to such a thorough study of all issues, the patient receives irreplaceable electronic assistants that restore the ability to hear!

What is a Hearing Amplifier?

A hearing amplifier is an electronic device. It amplifies the volume of all sounds. Even unnecessary sounds will become louder. Hearing amplifiers increase the volume of all ambient sounds, including the noise that accompanies them. Therefore, the user of such devices is sometimes difficult to concentrate.

By its principle of operation, the amplifier resembles a hearing aid. It consists of a microphone, a sound amplifier, and a receiver. Device sizes may also vary. Unlike hearing aids, sound amplifiers are not medical devices. Accordingly, they do not undergo a special registration and certification procedure. Therefore, no one guarantees that the device works well. Moreover, in most cases, it can harm you!

Most often, people use sound amplifiers for hunting, visiting the theater, or, for example, for lectures. In most cases, a person has healthy hearing, but due to some features of the environment, he needs to temporarily amplify the surrounding sounds. Moreover, the audio amplifier cannot be tailored to the needs of the patient or customized for comfortable use. Why, then, do many people with hearing problems buy it? People fall for the trick of advertising, and the attractive cost of devices becomes a decisive argument. Their price is significantly lower than hearing aids, often tipping the scales in their favor.

What to choose for hearing loss?

Undoubtedly, if you are concerned about your health and hearing, then the choice is more than obvious. These are hearing aids. These medical devices restore hearing without harming it. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to choose these devices on your own. Most likely, you won’t be able to take into account all the nuances necessary for the efficient operation of devices and their comfortable use.

The best solution for hearing loss is to seek help from an audiologist. A hearing care professional will select the best option for you at an adequate cost.

Do not believe in advertising and cheap offers. An audio amplifier won’t restore your hearing, and may even damage it. Make the right choice and enjoy the birds singing, the sound of rain, or the ocean!