The Internet of things has been quite prominent in the healthcare industry since the pandemic arrived. While the use of connected devices was there before the coronavirus breakout, it became more prominent during the pandemic period. wearable devices for checking heart rate, blood oxygen level, temperature monitoring devices, and more became a necessity for both parties. IoT devices helped decision-making healthcare professionals treat patients remotely while maintaining a safe distance. Patients could get treated from their homes with access to the devices. Between 2018 and 2021 internet of Medical things (IoMT) sector has seen a compound growth of around 26% which is an enormous achievement.

Healthcare marketing has taken a turn for the positive with IoT in healthcare. There are tools and apps designed specifically for the healthcare industry that are currently in use.

  1. Glucose Monitoring: Just a few years back blood glucose monitoring was an invasive procedure. People who suffer from diabetes had to go through painful blood tests, every time they had to get their blood glucose checked. With IoT in the healthcare industry, the new IoT glucose monitoring device can monitor the blood glucose level without any invasive procedure and alert the patient when the level is higher than normal. As diabetes is the most common illness in the world with its direct relation to lifestyle management, the device can be helpful for 10% of the population in the USA.

Benefits of IoT glucose monitoring device:

  • It is a smart device that can be connected to your smartphone and deliver data.
  • The procedure is completely non-invasive. You need to use a patch that will keep monitoring your glucose level and alert you when needed.
  • The technology is AI-based, thus, understanding the parameters of your body.
  • A monitoring device like this will help doctors keep track of their patients even without visiting.

2. Connected Inhalers: Asthma is equal to troubled breathing. The trouble in breathing can happen anytime during the day and it is important to know where the inhaler is during the difficult time. IoT-connected inhalers track the frequency of attacks in patients. They can also tell the person if they have forgotten their inhaler at home. This way, people will never forget to carry this life-saving device and according to the study, with the availability of an inhaler at the right time, 2 out of 3 deaths can be altered. The IoMT-connected inhaler is a respiratory boon and helps people understand how to use them properly, carry them and track the data to live a normal life.

Benefits of IoT Inhaler:

  • Internet of things-connected inhalers lets a patient understand if they are using the device in the right manner.
  • It can track the frequency of the attack, thus helping the doctor with the treatment process.
  • You can never forget your inhaler if it is connected to your smartphone. You will receive an alert if you lose it anywhere.

3. Mental health and depression monitoring: Depression was always a problem in the fast-moving lifestyle. However, the pandemic opened our eyes to it and made mental health a priority. Mood-monitoring IoT devices have gotten priority in the market thanks to more people becoming aware of mental health issues. It is important to monitor the mental health of the patient and record sudden mood swings to be able to treat them better. It may not be always possible to bring the patient directly to the doctor for treatment but with such a device it is possible to understand the problem better. It cannot predict the system accurately for patients as depression symptoms may vary but the traditional methods of in-person conversation were not conclusive as well. There are several types of mood monitoring devices but the best ones can track the movement of eyes in patients and tell the doctor if there is any change in mood.

Benefits of mood-monitoring devices:

  • It is a remote device, so there is no need for human interaction to monitor mood.
  • The device collects data on heart rate and blood pressure thus ensuring a proper outcome.
  • The device can bring immediate help, let the patient take medicine at the right time, and do more.

4. Robotic Surgery: Robotic surgery has brought precision to complex surgeries and the success rate for difficult procedures has increased quite a lot. Robots are currently being used in many medical procedures and robotic surgery is one of the most effective of them. The particular IoT device has saved a lot of lives and given doctors an advantage over manual surgeries. the internet-connected small robots are inserted into the body of the patient and the doctors can operate it from outside. The robots track the shift in muscle, and nerves and tell the doctor about the progress of the surgery. Companies such as Rewalk Robotics, ZTransenterix, Intuitive Surgical, and more are making it count in the surgery world.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery devices:

  • The IoT devices need a less invasive procedure that is quite less painful for the patient.
  • Due to minimum use of the invasive procedure, the patients recover quite early.
  • The precision of the surgery is quite commendable and the possibility of failure is quite less too.

5. Hand hygiene compliance device: Healthcare database can solve a lot of problems. Healthcare workers need their hands to be properly cleaned at all times. They will be in close contact with patients and they don’t want to spread any germs. During the coronavirus pandemic, hand hygiene compliance was one of the most important factors. The IoT device that detects the hygiene component of the hand was particularly in use in hospitals and health centers. The device is such that if a health service provider comes close to the bed of the patient, it will start buzzing. This will make sure that the doctors and nurses keep their hands clean at any time.

Benefits of hand hygiene compliance device:

  • Better management of hospital hygiene.
  • Less chances of spread of germ.
  • No human connection is needed for this healthcare database device.

6. Remote patient monitoring device: The remote patient monitoring device is highly in use in hospitals and homes. If a patient is in ICU or kept in an isolation ward where it is dangerous to enter, a remote device can do the job. It will track every aspect of the patient and collect the database and deliver it to the physician, in charge. It can be one or more IoT devices connected to the patient’s body that derives data and send it to the doctor. It can monitor heart rate, blood pressure, glucose level, oxygen level, and much more. The health worker doesn’t need to enter the place to check the reading and the treatment can be done accurately.

Benefits of remote patient monitor:

  • Decreased chance of infection.
  • Right action can be taken in time.
  • It provides an overall body monitoring of the patient.

IoT has added much value to the healthcare sector. With artificial intelligence and the internet, it has been easier to solve problems that seemed to be difficult at some point in time. Decision-making healthcare professionals are shifting to these healthcare database devices to bring a new revolution to the healthcare sector.

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