In recent years, there has been much focus on improving mental health. Thousands of dollars have been invested into research into techniques for reducing depression and anxiety as well as managing stress and improving overall mood. There are many simple actions you can take to manage your stress and anxiety in a safe and holistic way. Here are five surprising things you can do to improve your mental health today.

Schedule Time for Yourself Regularly

One surprising way to improve the mental health that you may not have considered is scheduling time for yourself regularly. Regularly is the keyword. Now, you may feel that this is an impossibility especially if you are the sole breadwinner of your household and contend with a considerable number of responsibilities.

Even if you are the sole breadwinner and have many responsibilities on your plate, you must take time to relax and enjoy life. When you take time for self-care, you will be better equipped to manage stress and reduce anxiety. According to Mental Health America, it is recommended that you set aside at least 15 minutes of time each day to engage in self-care activities. Some suggestions for self-care activities include the following:

  • Watching a movie you enjoy
  • Going on a walk and enjoying nature
  • Reading a favorite book
  • Playing games on your phone or tablet
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Enjoying quality time with pets
  • Going for a swim
  • Engaging in any hobbies or activities that bring your peace of mind and joy

Exercise Routinely

Another surprising way to improve your mental health is to establish a regular exercise routine. When you exercise routinely, you will notice a significant improvement in your mental health because exercise releases endorphins. When endorphins are released, they react with the receptors in your brain and cause feelings of happiness.

To have the desired effect, it is essential that you exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. You do not have to engage in a strenuous exercise routine. Simply walking around your neighborhood for 30 minutes each day will suffice. Even if you have physical limitations, you can engage in light exercise while sitting. Examples of light exercises you can do while sitting include arm circles, leg kicks, and upper body twists.

Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep Each Night

Something else you can do to improve your mental health is to make sure to get adequate sleep each night. A resource published by Harvard Medical School states that poor sleep contributes to concentration problems, irritability, and mental exhaustion. When you have sufficient sleep, you will be in a better mood, and you will be less likely to become depressed and suffer from emotional problems.

To make sure you are getting the rest you need, you must establish a good bedtime routine that promotes relaxation and aim for between seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Work With a Life Coach

Now you may not believe that a life coach can improve your mental health, but life coaches can help a great deal in this area. Life coaches can help you improve relationships, challenge patterns of negative thinking, better manage your emotions, cope with stress and reduce anxiety.

Life coaches can also aid in improving relationship skills to better facilitate getting along with others. According to Awakenings Guru, when you open your life to more possibilities, you are free to ask more and receive more in your life. A life coach will thoroughly examine all areas of your life and work with you to make significant improvements.

Consume Nutritious Meals

A final step you can take towards improving your mental health is to consume nutritious meals. When your meals are nutritious and well balanced, you will experience fewer fluctuations in your mood and will be able to focus better. Additionally, a healthy diet can help manage symptoms of anxiety and depression, and you will have more energy. To be certain you are eating healthy, you must:

  • Avoid consuming processed meats such as cold cuts and bacon.
  • Steer clear of refined grains.
  • Limit your consumption of red meat.
  • Consume copious amounts of beans, poultry, nuts, and fish.
  • Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Remove processed foods from your diet.

If you are not used to eating nutritious meals, you may find it difficult at first. However, healthy eating will become easier for you the longer you do it.

When you begin implementing these steps, you will notice a significant improvement in your quality of life. You will have a clear mind, and you will be more productive. You will also have a more positive outlook on life and will be able to better manage stress so it does not consume you.