Acupuncture requires the insertion of very thin needles at strategic places on the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine practice, acupuncture is a technique used to balance the flow of energy or the ‘qi‘ (the life force) through meridians (pathways) throughout the body. Those who practice acupuncture believe that by placing needles into certain points along these pathways, your energy flow will be rebalanced.
In contrast, numerous Western practitioners see acupuncture points as spots for stimulating muscles, nerves, and connective tissue. Some feel that this stimulation increases the body’s natural pain relievers. During an acupuncture session, the acupuncturist inserts some fine needles into precise body points. The insertion of these needles causes minimal discomfort.
The treatment
Each acupuncturist has a distinct style, frequently integrating elements of Eastern and Western medical practices. To select the type of acupuncture therapy that will be most beneficial to you, your practitioner may inquire about your symptoms, habits, and way of life. Additionally, the person may also examine:
- Those regions of your body that are causing you pain
- The contours, coating, and coloration of your tongue
- Your face coloration
- The strength, frequency, and quality of your wrist pulse
The sessions
A session of acupuncture may last up to sixty minutes. However, some treatments are considerably shorter. A typical treatment schedule for a single issue would consist of one or two sessions per week. The number of sessions will vary depending on the kind and severity of the ailment being treated. It is usual to undergo six to eight treatments. If you, by any chance, are residing in LA, you can type the words Acupuncture Los Angeles, to find out all about the procedure.
The treatment procedure
There are acupuncture sites in each body segment. Occasionally, the appropriate places are far from the source of the discomfort. Your acupuncturist will inform you of the general location of the treatment and whether or not you need to disrobe. The clinic will supply a robe, a towel, and a sheet. You will be asked to lie down on a cushioned table during the treatment. The process will involve:
- Insertion of needlesÂ
At varying depths, acupuncture needles will be inserted at strategic places on the body. Since the needles are quite small, insertion typically causes no discomfort. People rarely feel them being implanted. A normal treatment employs five to twenty needles. When a needle reaches the proper depth, you may experience a minor aching feeling.
- The manipulation of needles
After insertion, your practitioner may rotate or spin the needles gently or administer heat or low electrical pulses.
- Needle removalÂ
The needles are left in place for ten to fifteen minutes while the patient lies still and relaxes. Typically, there is no discomfort when the practitioner removes the needles.
After the treatment
After such a treatment, some people feel more relaxed, while others feel energized. However, not all patients react to acupuncture. If your ailments do not begin to improve after a few weeks, then acupuncture may not be the right treatment approach for your concerns.
It might be hard to ascertain the advantages of acupuncture, although many people find it useful for managing a number of painful conditions. Several studies have pointed out that certain types of simulated acupuncture can be as effective as actual acupuncture. Additionally, there is evidence that acupuncture is most effective for those who expect it to help.
Acupuncture has few adverse effects, so you may want to give it a try if you’re having difficulties controlling your pain.
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