Doctors during a surgical intervention


The future of health envisions a stronger relationship with technology. One of the most ambitious goals is to guarantee more efficient processes and results for patients. Surgeries with fewer margins of error, modern treatments, and technology to detect diseases in record time; those are some of the reasons why companies invest millions of dollars in medical innovation.

An article from Deloitte reported a venture funding of $14 billion in health tech innovations during 2020. This research shows the growth of the market and the expectations for the future. If you want to learn about the next tech trends for healthcare, read the paragraphs below.

The 6 Most Outstanding Tech Trends for Healthcare

Most of the technology in this field spans treatment, research, and professional training areas. Technology is an important ally to help humans, so you should know what the tech advances will be for society this year.

VR (Virtual Reality)

VR technology is a giant step towards modernization in the entire healthcare industry. From students to professional doctors, everyone gets better results through this technology. Thanks to VR, universities can save costs and offer advanced services for practices such as surgeries, treatments, and the study of the human body using simulations. 

In addition to cost reduction, VR eliminates the margins of error that real-patient practices represent. On the other hand, VR also helps people integrate into society and daily life. This software recreates realistic digital scenarios ideal for patients with phobias or mental problems. This therapeutic system improves the relationship between humans and helps them overcome complex interaction problems.

Big Data

Data science is a fascinating technique for the management and processing of massive information in all industries. Thanks to Big Data, thousands of hospitals can access each patient’s medical history in a few seconds. One of the biggest benefits of this technology is customization. In this way, doctors can assign tests, medications, and treatments based on each person’s data.

Big data also optimizes hospital waiting times as it replaces manual processes such as data collection. Additionally, hospital staff can improve their work time and manage information using digital devices. You can attend schools like General Assembly to learn how Big Data is playing an important part in remote healthcare, AI services, and automation.

Remote Consultations

The demand for remote platforms for medical assistance has increased considerably, especially after the pandemic. Thanks to technology and app development, doctors can assist their patients remotely. This trend will have an interesting impact on our daily lives. 

An Insider Intelligence report explains that RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) will grow by $1.7 billion by 2027, approximately 128 percent. More than 30 million users will use RPM apps daily for home treatments and other medical activities.

More Effective Supply Chain Management

Although SCM has had difficult years, its near future is promising, especially in the healthcare industry. In this scenario, data science will also be an indispensable tool. Hospitals will invest in smart systems to manage products, medications, and medical equipment to prevent shortages and eliminate vendor lock-in.

During COVID-19, many health centers had problems managing their stock due to uncontrolled demand due to the pandemic. Physical and digital storage will also grow to strengthen self-distribution. Data software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) monitor the products in stock, optimize the SCM process to avoid unnecessary expenses, and provide services according to the needs of patients.

Smart Buildings

Governments and private companies will increase investment in smart infrastructure for hospitals. Again, the effects of the pandemic help to understand the importance of administration and management in physical spaces. Modern designs encompass better hygiene, monitoring in clinical process areas, surveillance to ensure safe zones, and more.

Digital assistance is also being tested in many hospitals. With this technology, people reduce physical contact with other patients, reducing the risk of contagion. Automated services improve waiting times and offer immediate results to patients, a good idea for emergencies

a picture of a microchip


Microchip Technology

Microchip implants are the future of the tech and health industry for this generation. Humanity needs solutions to combat new diseases and improve surgical interventions. Although microchips and robotic engineering are not new technologies, the demand for this service will increase in the coming years.

Reenita Das, senior vice president with consultants Frost and Sullivan, stated at the Arab Health medical conference in 2021 that healthcare would be completely digital in 30 years. Projections estimate that microchips will be a passport and record all bodily movements and activities daily. The data collected is sent to health centers that evaluate your status.

One of the missions of these chips is to rule out misdiagnoses, supply medications appropriate to the body’s conditions, and monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and other factors. Results stored in the database also benefit research centers and statistical programs to check trends, prevent epidemics, and more.


Modern society will experience one of the best years in health history. The healthcare industry will depend on data science for more accurate and reliable processes. Companies and private capital must preserve ethical values to combine technology and health. These were just some of the most impressive tech trends for this and the coming years.