Are you suffering from sudden hair loss? Or have you been experiencing weight loss?

If you answered yes to these medical questions, you must see your doctor. Any sudden changes in your appearance and appearance can be a possible indicator of severe underlying disease. One such disease is hyperparathyroidism.

According to statistics, primary hyperthyroidism can occur at any age but can most likely affect individuals over 50. The following article will explain hyperparathyroidism diagnosis and the treatment methods in detail.

Hyperparathyroidism: Causes

Here are some reasons that can cause a calcium imbalance within your body.

1) Hyperthyroidism.

Primary hyperparathyroidism is often caused by an overproduction of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in cases of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland starts making excess hormones. This excess hormone causes the body’s metabolism to speed up and speeds up many processes in your body, including calcium loss from bones. If you are seeking specialized care for thyroid issues,consider consulting a thyroid naturopath in Melbourne.

2) Trauma

Trauma can occur in the form of head injury, which can cause decreased blood supply to the brain and damage to parathyroid glands.

3) Cancer

Primary cancer such as pancreatic, breast, esophagus, and lung cancers may spread to the whole body or affect metabolism. This increase in cancer growth rate leads to an elevated calcium level in the blood.

4) Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency leads to high calcium and phosphate levels in the blood. It causes a rise in PTH due to vitamin D’s role as a negative regulator of parathyroid function. Also, Calcium and phosphorus are essential for bone health.

5) Renal Failure

When the kidneys fail, an imbalance of phosphorus and calcium occurs in the blood. It leads to high PTH levels.

6) Medication

Medications such as diuretics, which cause increased urination, can also lead to low calcium levels in the blood when used and vitamin D deficiency.

Hyperparathyroidism Symptoms

In the early stages of hyperparathyroidism, there may be no symptoms at all. As a result, many individuals with primary hyperthyroidism are not diagnosed until a routine blood test in an office visit reveals that their calcium level is elevated.

The most common symptoms are as follows:

  1. a) Irritability, anxiety, depression
  2. b) Sudden weight loss in a short period
  3. c) Nausea and vomiting
  4. d) Changes in bowel movements or constipation
  5. e) Bone pain in the hips or ribs that continues through the night
  6. f) Excessive urination due to kidney problems may also be present
  7. g) Weakness
  8. h) Increased heart rate
  9. i) Dry skin or psoriasis (red, flaky patches of skin covered with silvery scales )
  10. j) A burning sensation when peeing
  11. k) Frequent infections that are difficult to cure

Different Methods to Diagnose

1) Parathyroid Scan

A minimal amount of radioactive material is injected into your vein in a parathyroid scan. The tracer is picked up by the machine and helps to show where the abnormal gland is located. Once this location has been identified, your doctor may recommend surgery.

2) Scintimammography

Scintimammography is another type of scan that uses radioactively tagged white blood cells to identify abnormal areas in the gland. Scintimammography scans are known to be about 94 percent accurate. However, it does not pinpoint the exact location of an enlarged gland or cancerous tissue.

3) MRI/CT Scan

An MRI or CT scan can give detailed pictures of the gland and surrounding area. It can also detect a tumor or other abnormalities within the gland or surrounding tissues.

4) Bone Biopsy

A bone biopsy, where a small amount of tissue is removed from your hip bone to check for abnormal calcium levels, may be recommended if an initial hyperparathyroidism diagnosis has been made but cannot be confirmed with a blood test.

Current Treatment Options for Primary Hyperparathyroidism

1) Surgical removal of the gland is considered the most common treatment, usually performed under general anesthesia. This procedure can be achieved through an incision in your neck or through several minor cuts in your abdomen.

2) Medication to suppress normal parathyroid function is another treatment option. It can be given as a daily pill for several years or less, commonly as weekly shots until you receive surgery to remove the abnormal gland.

3) In some cases, medication may only be needed to suppress the normal function of the glands to control your calcium levels until surgery can take place. The medicine helps prolong the amount of time without a functioning parathyroid gland.

4)  In sporadic cases, a cure can be achieved by destroying all four normal parathyroid glands. However, this is an experimental treatment and requires careful evaluation before being considered.

Final Words

Parathyroid issues are rare, but it’s vital to know the symptoms. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can regain your health quickly. If your doctor suspects hyperparathyroidism, they will most likely run a PTH blood test or calcium level test.

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