Even when you come away from an accident without significant injuries, you will probably still have minor issues like bruises, scrapes, and muscle soreness.
It typically takes up to six weeks for muscle soreness to fade. That means you could experience slight pain throughout the day, even when you are at work.
But if you take time out during your workday to stretch, it can help to relieve the soreness and stiffness in your muscles.
Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/active-athletic-exercise-female-84646/
Yoga involves stretching in a range of different positions and motions, which can help the post-accident soreness you feel in your muscles.
Furthermore, yoga involves deep breathing, which is also beneficial for your muscles. When you take time to breathe deeply, your body gains additional oxygen. In turn, the oxygen helps to relax your muscles and improve your muscle function.
When deep breathing is performed in combination with stretching, as in yoga, your muscles gain multiple benefits.
So, yoga can help to promote recovery and reduce your soreness.
Stretching Techniques
There are plenty of other ways of stretching to treat post-accidental muscle soreness besides yoga.
Before you perform any stretches, begin by warming up with some dynamic stretches to help lubricate your joints.
Now, let us look at some of the stretches you could do to help your muscle soreness.
Static Stretches
Perform static stretches. That means you lengthen a muscle by holding the stretch for between twenty and sixty seconds.
Calf Muscle Stretches
Stretch your calf muscles by doing a standing stretch in which you hold the stretch for up to sixty seconds.
Thigh Muscle Stretches
You can stretch your thigh muscles by pushing your hip on the side you push forward and using your hand to hold your foot in place at your bottom. Hold the pose for between twenty and sixty seconds. Then, repeat with the other leg.
Hamstring Stretches
To stretch your hamstrings, which are located between your hips and knees, stand with your feet together and bend over at the waist. Then repeat.
Shoulder Stretches
One great way of stretching your shoulder muscles is to cup one elbow with your opposite hand and then lift the elbow and pull it across your chest. Keep your body still as you do so. Hold the pose for thirty seconds. Then repeat with your other arm.
Standing Side Bends
Performing a standing side bend is great for sore upper bodies and lower backs. It will temporarily relieve muscle soreness and stiffness. Stand with your feet together. Place your arms above your head, with the palms of your hands together. Keep your legs straight, lean to the right and then to the left, and repeat.
Stretches to Build Core Muscle Strength
To regain strong core muscle strength, try this: lie flat on your back, keeping your spine in a neutral position. Then, raise your arms straight up and hold the pose for between twenty and sixty seconds. This stretch can also help you breathe better because it stretches your diaphragm and intercostals.
Getting Help for Post-accidental Muscle Soreness
After you have an accident, you should always seek professional medical advice. Your doctor will be able to give you advice on the things you can do to help your post-accidental muscle soreness, such as contacting a professional therapist who can give you help with the best types of stretches to do.
Massage therapy could be helpful too. A professional masseur can help to relieve the pain of your soreness and encourage your muscles to recover more quickly.
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