Your life can be significantly affected by vascular problems. Blood pressure problems and vascular problems are two types of complications that your doctor will be aware of. To provide comprehensive vascular care and honor patients, physicians, and the community, Myvascular aspires to save lives through one common objective.
What is Vascular Disease?
Vascular Disease affects your circulatory system and can lead to very serious consequences.
It includes any condition that affects your circulatory system, such as peripheral artery disease, atherosclerosis, and venous thrombosis. It may also result in lumps or swellings on your body like an abnormal bump on a part of your skin called telangiectasia. Common vascular diseases are atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and a few other mild complications. The most common cause of leg pain is due to blood clots that block the vein. These clots are caused by fatigue and high blood pressure, both of which become more likely with cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis. It includes high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. This condition can also be an endocrine problem, meaning that it’s linked to hormone imbalance, diabetes, or conditions such as lupus.
Causes of Vascular Disease
 It’s crucial you are aware of the signs and symptoms you may have so you can take immediate steps to find safety. This disease refers to any condition that leads to the thickening of the walls of our blood vessels over time. This condition is more common than cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Vascular diseases are caused by blood pressure problems or sometimes one side of your heart doesn’t pump the required amount of blood out. One cause can be diabetic retinopathy that turns the retina white and causes peripheral vision to diminish. Other causes can be high blood pressure, diabetes, tobacco use, and thyroxin deficiency.
It is estimated there are over eight million people with vascular disease in America according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diagnosing the condition requires a medical assessment by a physician who specializes in vascular disease. Diabetics, people with high blood pressure, people who have had a stroke, and people with bone density problems are at risk for major to minor vascular disease.
Prevention from Vascular Disease
The best preventative measure is a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well, being physically active, controlling your weight, and reducing your alcohol consumption. To prevent this disease, individuals should keep a healthy weight and should stop smoking cigarettes. Other recommendations are to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol, blood flow-restrictions drugs; lean on exercise; get plenty of sleep, and control blood sugar by eating in moderation.
When should you get Treatment for Vascular Disease?
Diagnosing the source of your vascular disease can be tricky. You should consult a physician as soon as vascular disease presents, but some possible signs are shortness of breath, cramps, no higher than heart rate during physical activity, unexplained left-sided chest pain in the neck or back, and excessive chills. If you have any symptoms of poor circulation or are experiencing severe leg pain on a regular basis, make an appointment with a physician from Myvascular and get checked out for vascular disease. If you have any of these symptoms, it would be wise to visit the Vascular Institute.
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