How Does a Medical Alert Work?

None of us goes through life without suffering some form of a medical problem. This is especially so as we get older. Many of us will reach a fine age, yet as we do, we will also lose our mobility to a certain extent. Others will suffer illnesses and ailments that render us bedridden, or wheelchair-bound, and some will suffer from chronic ailments that may worsen at any point.

While our family and loved ones will always be on hand to help in emergencies, it is not possible for them to be on call at all times should we suffer a fall, for example, or need medical attention. Also, we want to continue with the independence of living alone for as long as is possible. But there’s always that potential emergency with nobody close by to provide assistance.

What if, for example, a wheelchair user collapses and cannot get into the chair, nor reach the telephone to call the emergency services? Thankfully, modern technology has brought us a very useful range of devices known as medical alerts or medical alert systems. In this article, we will look at what they are, how they work, and whether one may be of benefit to you or a loved one who fits the description. Let’s start by explaining what medical alert systems are.

What is a Medical Alert System?

If you have a good home security system, it may be linked to a staffed monitoring centre. When an intruder enters your property or grounds and is picked up by cameras or sensors the centre is notified, and a staff member sends the police around and lets you know. A medical alert system works on a similar basis.

Let’s say you are someone who suffers a chronic ailment that may at any time flare up and cause you potential problems. The medical alert system is your way of getting a message to a fully staffed monitoring centre that something is wrong, without the need for a telephone. It is your lifeline, in fact, and these systems have proved to be lifesavers for many. Let’s outline how a medical alert system works in principle before we talk about the use of such a device in your situation.

How Does a Medical Alert System Work?

You can find out all about a typical medical alert system by clicking here and reading the details on the website, so we’ll briefly outline how the process works.

The user wears a pendant around their neck which has a button built-in. This is their direct line to the emergency services. The pendant is connected to a base station by wireless technology. There are no wires needed and the range is very large. When something happens – say they begin to feel ill or suffer a fall or similar – they simply press the button. This sends a signal to the base station which in turn contacts the monitoring centre from which an operative answers the call.

Now, it may be that the user cannot speak for some reason. In this case, the call monitor will order the emergency services to go to the address from which the notification came and will remain on the line all through the routine. It is simple, failsafe, and allows for calling an ambulance without the use of a mobile or landline handset. But is it for you? Would you, or your loved one, benefit from a medical alert system of this kind? Let’s see who are the most common users of such a device.

Who Uses a Medical Alert System?

The medical alert is usually used by anyone living alone – or perhaps in a care home – who could be prone to medical emergencies brought about thanks to a chronic or current condition. This can be wheelchair users, those who are bedridden, the elderly, and frail, or persons with limited mobility thanks to illness or accident. Anyone who may need to get in touch with emergency services quickly is a potential user.

Also, you may be looking at these systems for the benefit of your parent or a disabled or elderly relative. They provide great peace of mind in that you know they can get an ambulance to them quickly at all times. That is worth the investment alone, and they do not cost a great deal at all.

Is a Medical Alert System Worth Having?

We have already seen how a medical alert system can be a lifesaver for many different people, and they have indeed been responsible for saving the lives of the ill, aged, and inform persons who live alone. If you are looking for such a system whether for yourself, a family member, or a loved one, we strongly recommend you check out the company we linked to earlier in this article as the first step to finding the right sys