Being overweight is an unhealthy way of living. It puts pressure on the internal organs – especially the heart – which have to work harder to do their jobs. It can also be embarrassing as some people are ashamed to put on weight, and this leads to problems with self-esteem. Every year, millions of people start a diet and exercise regime in order to lose weight, yet not all succeed.

There are reasons why some who diet are unsuccessful: they may not stick to their regime or may not understand the right levels of calories and nutrition needed to achieve weight loss. There may be medical reasons for weight gain, yet in most cases, it is down to lifestyle choices – eating unhealthy meals and too much, lack of exercise, and excess alcohol.

For those who are willing to change these lifestyle habits and who have already tried to lose weight, there is a route you can take – a medical weight loss program. What is such and should you consider it? Before we talk about medical weight loss here are some of the most common reasons for people becoming overweight.

What Causes Someone to Put on Weight?

A medical weight loss center will be able to help you with most cases of weight gain, so what causes us to put on weight? Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Genetics can have an effect on weight gain.
  • Overeating or eating unhealthy and processed foods.
  • A poor diet in general.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Too much alcohol.
  • Heavy smoking.
  • Sugar-rich food.
  • Certain necessary medications.

All of the above are known to cause weight gain as are certain medical conditions – diabetes is the one that comes to mind instantly – and all can be treated by way of a medical weight loss regime. What should you expect if you decide to go down this route? Are you a candidate for such a program, as not everybody will be? Let’s answer those questions.

What is Medical Weight Loss?

There are many methods of losing weight and several of these can be combined into a medical weight loss program. You will be invited to an initial consultation in which an expert will assess your suitability for the procedure. We will talk about ideal candidates in a moment.

Medical weight loss involves a number of procedures working in tandem, yet you will also be expected to do some work towards the end result. For example, if you eat a poor diet this will need to be addressed, and your exercise routines will be assessed. Medical weight loss is for some people the last opportunity to get back to their proper weight.

At your consultation, you will be asked many questions of a personal nature – about your family and upbringing, your habits and lifestyle choice, and your daily life and routines – as this is necessary for the consultant to understand the root cause of your weight problem. Each medical weight loss program will be tailored to suit the individual, and different roots have different solutions.

So, who makes an ideal candidate for medical weight loss, and is it you?

Candidates for Medical Weight Loss?

The candidate for medical weight loss will be someone who has genuinely attempted to lose weight by dieting or other methods without enduring success. You may have lost weight, for example, and then put it back on (and it is easy to do.) You will be someone who is willing to commit to changing their lifestyle – stop smoking, reduce alcohol, eat healthily, indulge in exercise – as there is no point in the professionals spending time on someone who is not willing to work towards the goal.

Someone who is a candidate for medical weight loss will also be expected to have a reasonable and sensible goal to aim for. This is not a cure-all procedure and returning to your youth is not the aim! So, if you really want to lose weight and need help to do so, you should book a consultation at your local Shelby Township clinic and start things moving from there. What will your medical weight loss program involve? That’s our next topic.

What to Expect from a Medical Weight Loss Program?

Medical weight loss programs are, as we have already mentioned, tailored to the individual. Depending on the causes of your weight gain, your lifestyle and age, and other factors are taken into account one or more – or even all – of the following treatments will be involved:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be a part of a medical weight loss program as declining levels of certain hormones can cause problems in losing weight.
  • Fat burning injections could be prescribed and are usually administered one or two times a week.
  • Hunger suppressing supplements can help you feel the need to eat less often.
  • You will be assigned a personal fitness coach, nutritionist, and dietician to assess your needs and provide you with help in getting the right levels of exercise, calories, and nutrients into your body.

During the process, your calorie intake and progress will be closely monitored using a smartphone app. This is useful not just for the team helping you but also so that you can keep an eye on how you are doing. Regular progress meetings will be held at which any changes to your routine will be discussed and recommended.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

The major benefit of a medical weight loss procedure is that of being able to lead a more comfortable life and a healthy one at that. You will feel a lot better in yourself – being overweight can have a great effect on one’s mental health as well as physical – and be happier when you get close to your ideal weight. If you have tried dieting or other weight loss methods and have been unable to achieve your aims get in touch with your local clinic now and talk to a consultant about your problem.