A health care business has possessions on very sensitive data from their patients. This data ranges from their full name and address to their social security numbers, as well as credit card numbers in many cases. This makes a health care organization particularly likely to get attacked in some way. A cybercriminal, for example, will have no problem using the data collected by health care organizations and stealing the identities of your patients. Unfortunately, data stolen from a healthcare organization can go for around $1000 per file. This is around ten times more valuable than a credit card number alone. To hello you find ways to protect your business, here are a few tips:

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Cover the Basics

You need to use strong encryption on all your patient files and only allow a limited number of personnel to access these records—also, monitor downloads and searches which are conduction from your IT systems. You can do this by tracking data that has been exfiltrated in large batches of patent files, financial records, or any sensitive data you hold.  

Get the Right Insurance

The right kind of cyber insurance is crucial for a health care organization. It is vital you get this sort of insurance to protect you in the event of a hack. There are many ways it can provide protection for the institution and the patient. So, it is in your best interests to do a little research and get the best kind of cover for your business. You may also need other types of insurance too. To prevent yourself from any litigation, such as payment in high risk merchant processing cases. Insurance is key for any business, so do your homework and cover yourself in every area.

Mitigate Human Error

The best way to prevent security breaches such as phishing attacks from human error is to create a great training program. Unfortunately, your staff may unwittingly be the cause of many of your attacks if you don’t train them. A health care system need to remind their staff regularly about how important security is. Consider strategic reminders as well as training and other methods too. 

Try Using Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a new kind of online database technology that records the transactions between two parties highly efficiently and in a permanent and verifiable way. Blockchain is already being utilized for cryptocurrencies and is revolutionizing transactions online and spending up businesses as a result. Blockchain is an effective way to protect data, too, and there are many blockchain-based identity systems already in place, such as TruCred, etc. 

Bio-Metric Security

Many businesses are beginning to embrace bio-metrics as bio-identifiers. Bio-metric means that, in effect, as part of your body becomes the key to opening up the data making it far more difficult for anyone to break into your system. By scanning an aspect of your body, perhaps the cornea of your eye, the scan checks against any saved data and grants or denies access as a result. This may seem futuristic, but in many cases, it is already installed.  

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