Among the most popular non-invasive therapies gaining attention worldwide, hyperbaric oxygen therapy tops the list. The treatment is primarily used to accelerate the healing process of carbon monoxide poisoning, stubborn wounds, infections, and much more. These health problems require hyperbaric oxygen therapy because the tissues of the affected area are starved of adequate oxygen, preventing them from healing timely. During the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the patient is asked to sit comfortably inside a chamber filled with a pure form of oxygen. The goal of the therapy is to fill the blood with oxygen in order to repair the damaged tissues and regain the normally functioning body.

Check out some facts about hyperbaric oxygen therapy:

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy first came into being in the early 20th century when Orville used pure oxygen for treating a person dying from flu. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber was then dismantled as the therapy failed to treat other patients effectively. However, again in the 1940s, the hyperbaric oxygen chambers were used to treat deep-sea divers dying of decompression sickness.

Nowadays, therapy is commonly used to heal people suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and bring them back to health. Here is the list of common health conditions which can be successfully treated using hyperbaric oxygen therapy:

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Crush injuries
  • Decomposition sickness
  • Cyanide posing
  • Gas gangrene
  • Skin grafts
  • Bone infections
  • Flesh-eating infections
  • Trapped air or gas bubbles in the blood vessel
  • Stubborn wounds that are not healing due to diabetes
  • Chronic infections or inflammations

What can you expect during hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

You as a patient must note that you can not go for hyperbaric oxygen therapy with a prescription from a doctor. Various reputed hospitals offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Patients are asked to sit back and relax comfortably inside the chamber. As the therapy lasts up to 2 hours, the patient takes deep breaths to inhale as much pure oxygen as possible.

After the completion of the therapy, the patients can come out of the chamber and relax for a while. Since the air pressure inside the chamber is high, the patients may feel light-headed, and their ears may feel plugged for a while and will get back to normal in some time. As the blood is infused with extra oxygen, it circulates it throughout the body and accelerates the healing process in the damaged tissues. If you are wondering if the therapy has any side effects, you must know that the patient may experience mild side effects, including:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Claustrophobia

What are the precautions to be taken for undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

Not everyone can undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy, especially the individuals who have recently undergone the following:

  • Ear surgery or ear trauma
  • Cold or fever
  • Lung illnesses

This is because the high air pressure inside the HBOT chamber can cause trauma to the middle ear. Furthermore, it can also give rise to sinus problems, seizures, and other deadly diseases. Therefore, considering the benefits as well as the required precautions, you must be cautious while opting for hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the UK.