Health care quality improvement is one of the most critical areas in our society, but it’s also challenging for any organization to tackle.

Not only are there many different opinions on what exactly health care quality means and how best to measure it, but there are also several factors that can affect its measurement.

There are health care quality trends that organizations should be aware of and other issues that can boost quality. Here are five hot trends you can’t overlook.


  • Leveraging Data for Healthcare

Healthcare organizations have the most significant impact on quality improvements when they use data and other resources efficiently and effectively.

This means that providers must take a proactive approach toward adding new sources of information about their populations and using this information to make targeted interventions. 

The amount of healthcare data available from third-party organizations is increasing, making it easier for providers to access and leverage this data more than ever before.

This means that organizations need to have a strategic plan for using this data and training their staff to incorporate new information into the daily workflow effectively.

  • Software to Improve Human Services

Software tools are changing the way human services organizations deliver their programs and services. For instance, software tools can build an agency’s internal capacity, make data-driven decisions, communicate more effectively with customers (clients), improve overall productivity, provide accountability for their outcomes and simplify day-to-day operations.

Nowadays, there are companies helping healthcare facilities incorporate modernization in their operations. This is why EHRs for behavioral health are modern systems in the contemporary century. They help in keeping accurate databases which in turn brings efficiency.

  • Patient-Customer Experience Personalization

Another trend that has gained significant attention is the importance of optimizing the patient experience. More and more, organizations are emphasizing improving their patient-customer experiences because quality improvement efforts will only go so far if patients don’t feel respected and appreciated as unique individuals.

New patient satisfaction scores will improve by focusing on providing exceptional customer service from the initial point of contact.

  • Using Wearable Devices in Healthcare

Wearable technology has been used to monitor patient progress. In 2012, a group of researchers from Stanford University developed a sensor-laden wristband for patients with sleep disorders. Tech-experts have perfected the invention even more in recent years.

Patients wore the wristband while sleeping, and it transmitted data to their doctors to create personalized treatment plans that improve the quality of patients’ sleep. Healthcare facilities are finding ways to implement wearable technology into their day-to-day operations. 

For example, providers in the United Kingdom are using smart glasses that allow doctors and nurses to access information in real-time, which helps increase efficiency during patient visits.

  • Hospitals Using Smart Technology

Another healthcare trend to keep on top of is the innovative technology in hospitals. These technologies can automate various hospital systems and improve the overall patient experience. 

For instance, patients don’t need to worry about losing their medical records as they travel from one location to another within a health care facility because staff can track those records with wireless tracking tags attached to the patient’s wristband.

The healthcare industry has come a long way when it comes to technology. Changing demographics will require organizations to be even more efficient with their time and resources, which means they’ll need all of the help that they can get. 

They have no other choice but to use technology to improve quality. With that said, it’s more important than ever before for organizations to create a strategic plan about how they will implement these new technologies into daily operations.

In the modern era of healthcare, providers need to stay on top of new technology trends. Healthcare organizations need to be prepared with a strategic plan about how they will use this data and train their staff to incorporate new information into the daily workflow effectively. 

Software tools are changing the way human services organizations deliver their programs and services. This is why EHRs for behavioral health are modern systems in the contemporary century.