Having an oral health problem is an unfortunate experience, primarily if it affects your activities and regular routines. These problems can limit you from doing ordinary things like eating and talking.
Dental problems affect many individuals. In fact, there are 3.5 billion people around the globe who are affected by dental issues of any type. There are so many types of oral health problems, with tooth decay being the most prevalent. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to hot tooth syndrome.
The hot tooth or extensive pulpitis is an inflammation of the tooth pulp caused by extensive tooth decay, leaking filling, gum disease, and tooth decay. This decay may lead to spontaneous or moderate pain. If you experience pain in your tooth, seek advice from the Top Dentist in Dubai.
Tooth Decay and Hot Tooth Syndrome
A hot tooth develops because of infection of the pulp, which progresses over time from untreated tooth decay, thereby damaging the tissues. When signs and symptoms of tissue damage occur, there is no other way than to have treatment. These symptoms manifest in many ways, which you can personally observe and can be diagnosed by a dentist.
Any dental expert can diagnose and treat your problem with hot tooth syndrome; if you live in Brisbane, Australia, you can find clinics treating hot tooth syndrome; one is Skygate Dental. Skygate Dental discusses Hot Tooth here, which also diagnoses and treats the condition.
You may have Hot Tooth syndrome if you observe the following symptoms:
- Toothache resulting from tooth decay and cavities
- Inflammation of gums
- Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold mouth intake
- Different types of pain- lingering pain, spontaneous pain, or referred pain around the gums or the mouth
- Sensitivity to sweet food
- Bad breath and bad taste in the mouth
- Swelling on the site
- Fever
These symptoms could have been eliminated had they been controlled and arrested early on, and they can be managed and treated accordingly. So if you experience these symptoms, immediately take control, take preventive measures and directly get appropriate treatment.
The Treatment and Prevention of Hot Tooth Syndrome
Treating a hot tooth is not as complicated; among these are:
Removal of the infected tooth
Removing the infected tooth seems the most straightforward treatment to isolate inflammation, but of course, a dentist should do it for a safe and efficient procedure. Extraction is done to prevent infection of nearby teeth or gum.
Contrary to common belief, an infected tooth can be extracted with the proper anesthesia administered by a licensed professional. The main concern, though, is the failure of the anesthesia due to infection of adjacent areas. So when this happens, dentists would first treat this symptom with prescription drugs to ensure a safe and effective procedure. So, either way, extraction should be done to avoid further complications.
Root Canal – root canal or endodontic therapy is another treatment for hot tooth or irreversible pulpitis. Dentists perform this by administering local anesthesia to alleviate the pain upon the procedure’s conduct and allow the dentist to do a painless process.
For this treatment, the endodontist removes the inflamed pulp tissue to stop the pain within the tooth and save the natural tooth. The process will prevent the spread of bacteria that causes an infection that may potentially damage the bone or even the jaw.
 Contrary to popular belief, according to Sydney Root Canal, this procedure is no more painful than a regular dental procedure. Dentists use local anesthesia so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. However, just like any other surgery, the affected area will feel a bit sore or numb for a few days.
Observe Basic Oral Hygiene
- Brushing twice a day for two minutes – use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to remove food and bacteria from your mouth. Brushing will also prevent the accumulation of particles that may cause cavities.
- Brush as soon as you get out of your bed – morning brush fights off morning breath. Overnight, you might build up bacteria from food particles that may lead to plaque that will eventually form tartar. This tartar likewise leads to gum disease. So get rid of that plaque that builds up overnight.
- Floss every day – flossing is equally important as brushing. Flossing will loosen the particles that are missed by brushing. It removes plaque and prevents tartar build-up.
- Avoid over-brushing – brushing more than twice a day and longer than four minutes could wear down the enamel layer that protects the teeth. When this happens, the dentin layer will be exposed. When the dentin layer is triggered, you may feel all sorts of pain.
- Stay away from soda – Sugar and acid are the two culprits that eat away the enamel of your teeth. Soda has both the high sugar and acid content. Too much soda can lead to cavities, stains, and erosion of tooth enamel.
Oral health is essential in the overall well-being of a person. Maintaining healthy oral habits is a commitment to prevent oral diseases, which may start from simple health, such as hot tooth syndrome. A hot tooth syndrome is greatly reversible and curable. Just be responsible, careful, and always put importance on your dental care.
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