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An on-the-job injury can be a devastating setback for you and your family. You are left in pain and with huge medical expenses. Severe injuries could mean that you may never work again. A worker’s compensation could come in handy during this challenging time. For this reason, you should know how to file a worker’s compensation claim to handle your financial burden. Read on for five steps to take if you are injured at work.

Report the injury

The first step to take when you are injured at work is to report the injury to the relevant authority. While some companies allow up to ten days to report an injury, it is crucial that you do so immediately. This prevents your employer or the insurance provider from denying injury claims because you did not report promptly.

Ensure that you are clear about how and when the accident occurred. You should also ascertain that your employer writes an official document that proves you reported the injury. Ensure you get a copy of the official injury report, and secure it if you have to hire a lawyer from Hach and Rose.

Document significant interactions

It is crucial that you keep a record of dates and times you have any interactions with your employers or insurance providers following your report. Remember to mention everyone present during these interactions. You could also include conversations with medical professionals. The recorded information could come in handy in case your worker’s compensation is denied or delayed.

Obtain medical care

Ensure that you seek medical attention right away. This ensures that you receive the necessary treatment you need to recover. 

When receiving treatment, ensure that you mention to your physician that your injury is work-related. Describe how the accident occurred and the symptoms you may be experiencing to obtain the best medical care. Your doctor should also determine whether your injuries deter you from performing your work duties and notify your employer in case of any limitations. Remember to follow the doctor’s instructions to the latter.

It is also essential that you request your physician to record each detail of your treatment in your medical notes from your initial visit. This information helps to prevent your employer or insurance provider from dismissing your compensation claim.

Record medical expenses and missed work

Based on the severity of your injury, you may be qualified for one of the different types of worker’s compensation benefits. You may be compensated for lost wages and medical expenses. 

As such, you should keep a written record of missed workdays and expenses due to injuries. You should include physician visits, lab tests, medication, surgeries, and any medical equipment receipts in your record. This record will help build your claim and ensure that you are fairly compensated.

Hire a worker’s compensation lawyer

Applying for worker’s compensation can be challenging, which is why you should consider hiring a lawyer. Worker’s compensation lawyers have handled tons of compensation claims before, so they have relevant knowledge and experience to help you get what you are rightfully owed. They will gather evidence to support your claim, and you can use this time to focus on recovering.


On-the-job accidents can occur at any time and to anyone. As such, you should know how to proceed with filing a compensation claim. Follow these steps to ascertain that you get compensation for lost wages and medical bills incurred if you are injured at work.