The loss of muscle function in the body is referred to as paralysis. Sometimes paralysis is temporary, and in a few cases, it is permanent. Although paralysis does not affect only one part of the body, it is most commonly seen in the limbs. Partial and total paralysis can occur at any time. When a patient suffers from paralysis, they do not experience pain. Depending on the nature of the underlying cause, a treatment plan is devised to either cure or treat the condition so that the patient’s daily lifestyle is not adversely affected.
Paralysis occurs suddenly and is frequently the result of a brain or spinal cord injury. Paralysis can also be caused by a stroke or cancerous cells pressing against brain cells. Spam, loss of sensation in arms and legs, reduced muscle function, reduced motor functions, and loss of ability to speak are the most common symptoms of paralysis.
Paralysis Attack on Right Side of Body
Hemiplegia is characterized by paralysis on one side of the body caused by brain damage or spinal cord injury. It causes muscle weakness, muscle control issues, and muscle stiffness. The severity of hemiplegia symptoms varies according to the location and severity of the damage. Depending on the severity of hemiplegia, people may experience a variety of symptoms. Among the symptoms are:
- muscle weakness or stiffness on one side
- muscle spasm
- inability to walk
- poor balance
- having difficulty grabbing objects
If a brain injury causes hemiplegia, the brain damage can cause symptoms other than hemiplegia, such as:
- issues with memory
- problems with concentration and speech
- seizures
Paralysis Symptoms
The most common symptom of paralysis is the inability to move any part of your body or to move at all. It can start suddenly or gradually. Symptoms differ depending on the type and cause of the problem. Other symptoms that may occur in conjunction with paralysis include:
- numbness or pain in the muscles affected
- muscle wasting
- visible indications of muscle loss (muscle atrophy)
- stiffness
- uncontrollable twitches or spasms
Paralysis Treatment
There is currently no cure for paralysis. However, depending on the cause and nature of the problem, some people recover partially or entirely. Temporary paralysis caused by a stroke, for example, may resolve on its own without the need for medical intervention. In addition, when paralysis is caused by a spinal cord injury or a chronic neurological condition, a person may regain some muscle control. Although rehabilitation does not entirely cure paralysis, it can help keep symptoms from worsening. Among the treatments available are:
- medication
- physical therapy
- occupational therapy
- mobility devices such as braces, walkers, and wheelchairs
- amputation surgery
- nerve transfer surgery
Sudden Paralysis
Sudden paralysis is a severe symptom that indicates a medical emergency, such as a stroke or a spinal cord injury. Loss of coordination on one or both sides of your body; confusion or loss of consciousness for even a brief moment; disorientation; numbness; inability to speak; or memory loss. You may also experience the following symptoms if you have paralysis:
- vision shifts
- confusion
- difficulty speaking
- face drooping
- numbness
- memory lapses
- unconsciousness
- headache
- having difficulty walking
When to See a Physiotherapist
Paralysis is a serious condition that should never be ignored. It interferes with daily life activities and also affects the mental health of the patient. If you or anyone in your family is experiencing any paralysis symptoms, as mentioned earlier, you should see a doctor right away. To get authentic guidance from a qualified physiotherapist, contact
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