Menstrual cycle is one of the many biological functions that your body endures. Scientists have only begun to understand its complexity in recent human history. And while there is a lot that a period can tell you about your reproductive system, the termination of this month-long process is also a good indicator of your mental and physical health. Here are four reasons why your period may be late or nonexistent.

  1. Pregnancy

If an embryo has attached itself to the lining of your uterus, there is no reason to for the uterine lining to shed itself at the end of the menstrual cycle. For this reason, a missed period could indicate that you are pregnant if you are sexually active.

It is easy to jump to this conclusion early on, but there are many other factors that can affect your cycle that have nothing to do with pregnancy. If you believe that it is possible for you to be pregnant, you can find out with certainty at a clinic that offers pregnancy testing in Santa Rosa. You can also purchase an at-home pregnancy test with high accuracy and follow the instructions on the box.

  1. Stress

It is not uncommon for prolonged stress to alter your menstrual cycle. This is because the hormones that your body produces when you are anxious can interfere with the production of regulatory hormones that keep your period in check.

Missing one period due to stress is no big deal, but if you are frequently experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, seek out activities that will help you relax. For many people, meditation exercises are especially effective at calming the mind and body. You may also want to seek professional counseling for your mental health. Keep in mind that it may take a few months for your cycle to return to normal once your stress levels have decreased.

  1. Changes to Your Daily Routine

Significant changes to your usual schedule might affect the timing of your period. If traveling has prompted you to make drastic alterations to your waking and sleeping hours, it might take a couple of days for your period to adjust. Working night shifts when you used to work during daytime hours and vice versa can also trigger an early or late arrival for your time of the month.

  1. Intensive Exercise

Exercise routines that require a lot of time and energy can cause a missed period. However, your workouts must exceed two hours per day to affect your menstrual hormones.

If you lead a more athletic lifestyle than the average person, it is recommended that you have regular meetings with a medical professional who specializes in sports medicine. This specialist will ensure that your body receives all of the care and nutrition it needs to stay healthy.

If your period is delayed or absent this month, it is possible that one or more of these factors is responsible. It could also be a simple, one-time irregularity in your cycle. If you are concerned, consult a women’s health specialist for further advice.