Here’s all you need to know before you really start to decide if testosterone replacement therapy is going to be right for you.

What is Testosterone?

As all men age testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease. Maintaining a constant, healthy level of the test is absolutely critical to your long-term health and wellness. Studies and research have only further reinforced the importance of all of this. One thing that research has shown us for example is that testosterone prohibits amino acid oxidation and increases the rate of skeletal muscle protein synthesis. To put it in plain English terms this simply means having good testosterone levels means you will be able to both build and maintain muscle far better than if you were deficient. So if you’ve been working hard to change your lifestyle but just aren’t seeing the results that you want to regardless of diet and exercise, you may need to get your T levels checked to ensure you aren’t low.

That’s really just scratching the surface – testosterone is literally what gives men their masculine features. Things like extra hair growth, muscle size, the pitch of the voice, even things like metabolism, bone density, even libido. And the list could go on and on there, so many things are in one way or another related to testosterone somehow. Because of all of this test is going to be characterized as anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS). Different factors in your life can either increase or decrease your T levels, let’s go over some of those.


  • Getting enough sleep every single night
  • Have a healthy body composition (stay lean don’t carry much extra fat)
  • Regular exercise, intense if you can
  • Short-term abstinence (up to 10 days)


  • Obesity/overweight (excess fat is one of the easiest ways to lower your T production)
  • Diabetes (to be specific, insulin-resistant/type II diabetes)
  • Excessive alcohol or drug intake
  • Too little fat in the diet (fat is needed to synthesize androgens)
  • A chronic lack of sleep
  • Overly-stressed (Stress is a killer, it WILL shorten your life if you are stressed day in and day out)
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle
  • Extremely prolonged aerobic exercise (cardio)

All of this is great to know but you are probably here because you are afraid you’re suffering from low T. For some it can be hard to tell but we’ll go over all the most common symptoms. If something feels different, well then it probably is.

  • Erectile dysfunction issues & a generally reduced libido or sex drive
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Reducing muscle bulk and overall strength (can’t build up muscle well)
  • Depression and general sadness
  • Physically shrinking testes
  • Overwhelming brain fog and lack of ability to recall
  • Low red blood cells (anemia)
  • Brittle bones and weakness in/around the body
  • Hot flashes/inability to regulate constant body temperature
  • Losing body and pubic hair
  • Issues with fertility
  • Body fat increasing more than it should
  • Sleep apnea (distinct issues with sleeping disorders)
  • Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)

Now before you freak out because you don’t sleep well sometimes or see a few things you struggle with here, you absolutely need to have bloodwork done and analyzed by a trusted professional to confirm one way or another that you do or don’t have low testosterone.

Starting your TRT Treatment in Atlanta

Before anything at all happens your doctor should be asking you all kinds of detailed questions to best determine the cause of your issues to help them then find the best solution. Blood work, as we mentioned before, is an absolute must-have so that we can monitor changes and do our best to keep you as healthy as possible!  An experienced Testosterone Replacement Therapy Atlanta doctor will be able to keep you on pace to get back where you want to be as quickly and effectively as possible.

For a long time, people were just treating the symptoms that came after low-T presented itself, rather than treating the issue at its base as we are doing now! Using testosterone replacement therapy is going to give you the best long-term results without a doubt, it will get you all back to normal!