Uterine leiomyomas are noncancerous growths made up of muscles and connective tissues from and on the uterus walls. All fibroids do not cause symptoms, but when they do, the symptoms include, heavy periods, back pain, pain during urination, and painful sex—there are various options for treating fibroids, some invasive and some that are minimally invasive. The specialist at Alate Health offers a no surgical treatment for fibroids in Houston, TX, to help shrink and alleviate the pain.
Types of Myomas
These types develop depending on the location of the uterus. They include:
Intramural fibroids- Are most common and appear within the muscular walls of the uterus and can stretch your womb if they enlarge in size.
Subserosal fibroids- They form on the outside of the uterus and can grow large enough, causing your womb to appear large on one side.
Pedunculated fibroids- Occur when subserosa tumors develop a stem.
Submucosal fibroids- These tumors develop in the myometrium of your uterus.
Causes of Fibroids
The following factors may influence the formation of fibroids in your uterus:
Hormones- Estrogen and progesterone cause the uterus lining to regenerate during every period, hence stimulating the growth of myomas.
Pregnancy- Increases estrogen and progesterone production hence promoting rapid growth of fibroids.
Family history and race– If your grandmother or mother has a history of fibroids, you may also develop it. Black women are more susceptible to fibroids than women of other races.
Other causes- Include early onset of periods, obesity, vitamin D deficiency, drinking alcohol, and having a diet higher in red meat and lower in green vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.
Small fibroids cause no pain but require monitoring by a doctor. Larger fibroids cause the following symptoms:
- Excessive and painful periods.
- Bloating.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Back pain.
- Frequent urination.
- Constipation.
- Swelling and enlargement of the abdomen.
You may not know you have fibroids until you undergo routine pelvic examination. Therefore, your doctor performs diagnostic tests using ultrasounds and MRI to detect and rule out fibroid conditions.
 Yoga, massage, acupuncture therapy, losing weight, managing stress levels, a healthy diet, and heat treatment during cramping helps to control the intensity of fibroids.
Treatment options are mainly to shrink and alleviate pain. They are as follows:
- Over counters such as ibuprofen are used to manage discomfort and pain.
- Iron supplement for excess bleeding.
- Birth control medication to manage heavy menstruation.
- GnRH agonist medication to shrink the fibroids.
 The following surgeries can eliminate the myomas:
- Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus to resolve fibroids symptoms.
- Uterine fibroid embolism is a technique used to block blood flow to the fibroids causing them to shrink or die.
- Myomectomy is a procedure to remove the fibroids while preserving the uterus.
- Endometrial ablation helps if the fibroids are on the inner lining of the uterus.
Consult Your Gynecologist Today
Cramping and heavy bleeding may make it difficult for you to work, participate in daily activities and even cancel plans with family and friends because you are worried about embarrassment. Many women suffer because they think invasive surgery is the only option but at Alate Health, you can have a minimally invasive procedure that shrinks fibroids and alleviates pain, enabling you to gain freedom from the fibroid menace.
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