For women, strengthening the pelvic floor is an essential task for maintaining good health. Find out what the pelvic floor is & how to keep it strong.

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor can be defined as muscles and ligaments that close the abdominal cavity in the lower part. The main function of this building is to support the pelvic organs. In the right place to promote the normal functioning of this organ.

The sacrum is at one end of the leg and the pubis at the other. The bottom of the leg is the plane of the muscles (especially the gluteus maximus) and connective tissue.

The pelvic floor is not a rigid building. It is dynamic, adapting to our movements, posture changes…

Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Weakness

When the pelvic floor weakens, the supporting structures descend, changing the function of all organs involved in their function.

A weak pelvic floor can lead to desire, discomfort, and prolapse. (Sagging of the organs in the abdomen), back pain, and even physical dysfunction.

The main symptoms of poor pelvic floor functioning are usually discomfort, pain, and prolapse of one of the pelvic organs.

The main weakening parts of the pelvic floor are usually:

  • Natural birth
  • Chronic constipation
  • Impact sports
  • Obesity
  • Chronic respiratory disease and smoking
  • Gynecological surgery or aggressive treatment

How to exercise or increase the pelvic floor?

If structural weakness is diagnosed and not severe, the main treatment is physical therapy and training of the pelvic floor with specific exercises. In the most extreme cases, appropriate treatment may also be pelvic floor reconstruction surgery.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are simple exercises that involve: Activates the pelvic floor muscles. The way of this exercise is very simple. You have to contract the area as if we were meant to catch urine.

A good guideline is to perform 5 10-second contractions three times a day without stopping breathing, with a 5-second rest between contractions. If necessary, start by resting for 10 seconds and add intensity by reducing the rest between reps. Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 can help improve for Ed.

The ideal would be to automate these exercises so that you can apply these exercises at the moment you are working out (such as closing the pelvic floor while listening to weightlifting).

Low-pressure gymnastics

Low-Pressure Abdominal Gymnastics serves, improves abdominal and pelvic floor muscle tone, promotes good positioning of the intestines, and helps maintain a natural position.

As the protocol is a complex exercise to perform, attention should be paid to technique and posture, which play a very important role. It is recommended to do it with a trainer who can make sure that the correct respiratory apnea is being performed.

Self-loading exercise

Training with your body weight is highly recommended for strengthening your core areas and pelvic floor.

This is a type of exercise that can be performed anywhere without any type of material, so there is no excuse for working for the health of your pelvic floor.

Here are some recommended exercises:

Lumbar leg

The lumbar leg is a very simple running exercise that will help strengthen all your lower back muscles and buttocks and will help control your pelvic floor.

Keeping your glutes tight, lift your hips while keeping your feet and upper back or shoulders flat on the floor.

Control the descent and climb again.

Butt thrust autoloader

The best exercise is to develop the muscles in the glutes and back of the legs. It is an action performed with hip strength that activates most muscle fibers in the glutes and core.

To do it right, you will need the help of a sofa or bed to support your back.

The barbell should be at hip level. You can even start exercising without any load.

Perform hip push-ups to level your hips and lift the bar off the floor.

Return to the starting position.


A plank or strain tailored to the level and physical condition of each subject is an exercise that should be in everyone’s exercise routine.

Planks help your core muscles gain strength and stability. Also, internally, the pelvic floor helps with the practice of this exercise. Vidalista 60 and Cenforce 200 the treat for men’s health.

It is an isometric exercise that does not require flexing and extending the intervertebral discs, making it one of the ways to exercise the abdomen.

  • Lie down on the mat.
  • Support the ball of your foot and keep your legs straight.
  • Place your forearms on the floor.
  • Raise the trunk until it is level with the ground.
  • Maintain the position with your abdomen and glutes contracted.

Lumbar swimmer

The swimmer workouts are used in various sports fields such as Pilates, fitness, or yoga to help strengthen key areas to improve posture. It is characterized by very complete and low-impact movements.

Lie face down on a mat or mat.

Keep your back straight and your legs and arms fully extended over your head.

Raise one arm and opposite leg at the same time about 2-3 feet off the ground.

Descend and perform the same movement, but using the opposite leg and arm.


For women, the work of the pelvic floor muscles is essential to improve their quality of life. A strong pelvic floor helps your internal organs find the right position so they can function more easily.

To train the pelvic floor, you need to choose the one that best suits your situation.

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