As the popularity of social media platforms continues to rise, so does our need to always look our best. We’ve all gone through the motions of finding our best viewpoint or thinking we don’t look our best in specific photos, so obtaining what we feel to be our best self has never been more critical.
The fear of receding hairlines or total hair loss might be all too real for some men. According to Dr. Harikiran, who provides the best hair transplant in Hyderabad, 85 percent of men will have thinning hair by the age of 50, and some men will lose nearly all of their hair by the age of 21. Hair loss isn’t limited to men; female pattern baldness exists alongside male pattern baldness. The world can be a harsh place.
However, with today’s technological developments, a hair transplant is now conceivable. This entails transferring hair from other parts of your body to – or rather, into – your head, giving the impression that you still have a full head of hair as you age. You no longer need to buy a shoddy hairpiece or wig, and, contrary to popular belief, hair transplants can now be done without leaving any significant scars on your head.
So, what exactly does a hair transplant entail? What are your options, and what are the hazards involved? With the help of Hyderabad’s hair transplant expert Dr. Harikiran, we’ve put up this complete guide on hair transplants.
Is hair loss a hereditary condition?
Although genetic hair loss is a real thing, it isn’t necessarily to blame for all cases of baldness. According to Hyderabad’s hair transplant doctor, other factors such as stress, nutrition, and even medicine might play a role in what happens to your lovely locks. However, genetics causes male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness – the official word for both is androgenetic alopecia – and research on twins has found that genetics is responsible for 80 percent of male pattern baldness.
It’s commonly assumed that males will follow in the follicular footsteps of their mother’s father, which is often true, but it’s not true for all men who have hair loss. As the doctor points out, our chromosomes – the 23 pairs of ‘X” and ‘Y’ chromosomes that determine our biological makeup – can often explain hair loss, as baldness is commonly linked to the AR gene, which is situated on the ‘X’ chromosome, which males receive from their mothers.
However, as previously stated, your mother’s father isn’t necessarily to blame, as many balding males have a father who also suffers from hair loss.
DHT – dihydrotestosterone – is a chemical that we make, and some men produce more than others. “Some individuals claim, ‘I’m not turning bald because my father has hair,’ but it doesn’t work that way,” he adds.
“You can get DHT from either of your parents. DHT causes a process known as miniaturization in the hair follicles. The hair weakens and thins until it can no longer push through the skin, at which point the skin develops over it.” “for some reason, and no one understands why,” he continues, “DHT does not affect the hair on the sides and back of your head.”
The sensitivity of those receptors is a genetic trait, the expert explains. Your DHT levels may be within typical ranges for your age and gender, but it all relies on the receptors.
So, if you’re suffering from hair loss and want to do something about it, the prospect of a successful and entirely natural-looking hair transplant is now a reality. However, like with most cosmetic procedures, you get what you pay for in this case. You can’t expect miracles if you cut corners on the amount you’re willing to pay.
“Once you have a hair transplant, it lasts for life,” Dr. Harikiran explains. Do it right the first time.” The same can be said for beards and even eyebrows, with the latter receiving hair from the upper part of the neck, which fits the eyebrow hairs the best.
Who is eligible for a hair transplant?
Hair transplants are available to both men and women, but you must be at least 18 years old.
What are the consequences of a hair transplant?
When it comes to follicular unit extraction, there are very few hazards to be concerned about. When performed by qualified surgeons, the surgery is said to be risk-free. While you will be left with hundreds of small, one millimeter-wide scar, according to a Hyderabad-based hair transplant doctor, these will fade out spontaneously after a few weeks.
You’ll want to avoid direct sunlight after surgery because it will cause your head to dry up, so all you have to do is wear a loose-fitting cap. Avoid any vigorous exercise that will cause you to sweat. Excessive sweating will cause the pores in your skin to open up, which could impair the effects of your surgery.
One thing to keep in mind before getting a hair transplant, according to the expert, is to avoid drinking alcohol beforehand, as it thins the blood, slowing down the healing process. Once the treatment is completed, you can always rejoice in your new appearance.
It’s also crucial to keep your stress levels low, as the doctor explains: “when you’re relaxed, your body rejuvenates considerably faster, healing time is much faster, and your hair success rate is much higher.”
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