In treating HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma), a liver segmentectomy is a standard procedure that improves liver function. FI generates a visible demarcation line along the liver segment boundary to guide precise excision with minimal blood loss compared to the present blue dye staining procedure.
We’ve all heard about the hepatitis immunization regimen from family members or friends. But have you ever thought about why it’s so crucial?
On World Hepatitis Day, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, a prominent liver specialist from Mumbai, has written this article to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis on World Hepatitis Day (July 28).
Hepatitis is one of the primary causes of liver inflammation around the world, and liver cancer, which is one of the leading causes of cancer death.
A person dies from a hepatitis-related illness every 30 seconds, with approximately 1.1 million deaths worldwide due to hepatitis B and C infections. Hepatitis B affects over 45 million people in India, whereas hepatitis C affects about 15 million.
If the infection is not treated, it can lead to catastrophic conditions like cancer and liver failure, requiring surgery and liver transplants. Timely identification of liver cancer can lead to better treatment and a higher patient survival rate. As a result, it is critical to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, its effects on the liver, symptoms, and treatment choices.
What is hepatitis?
Hepatitis is a viral illness that causes inflammation in the liver, which is a crucial organ that filters toxins from our bodies, breaks down nutrients, and generates bile to aid digestion, among other things. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E are the five kinds of hepatitis; however, Hepatitis B and C are the most common causes of chronic hepatitis worldwide and in India.
The link between hepatitis and liver cancer.
Infection with hepatitis is known to harm liver cells and decrease their function. According to the Mumbai-based liver specialist, it can develop into liver cirrhosis, a condition in which scar tissue replaces liver tissue, leading to primary liver cancer or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the long run. HCC is much more frequent in men than in women, and it has a high fatality rate. HCC is responsible for roughly 7 lakh fatalities worldwide each year.
According to a study published published published in the chronic Hepatitis B virus infection, with tumors occurring more frequently in cirrhotic (76 percent) than in non-cirrhotic livers, is a significant risk for HCC development in the north Indian population Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology.
Excessive alcohol intake, obesity, diabetes, hereditary metabolic syndrome, smoking, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are all risk factors for liver cancer.
The treatment of liver cancer
For the proper treatment and management of any condition, an accurate diagnosis is essential. To diagnose liver cancer and detect tumors, an ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan is used. Surgical resection, percutaneous ablation, and liver transplantation are three treatments that can cure HCC.
If cancer cells or tumors are found, it is critical to surgically remove the afflicted portion of the liver (hepatectomy) along with all tumors to decrease recurrence, enhance the patient’s quality of life, and increase the patient’s survival rate. A liver transplant may be required in advanced cases or if there is accompanying hepatic cirrhosis.
Although traditional diagnostic approaches have long assisted surgeons in mapping tumors, technological advancements such as fluorescence imaging (FI) with indocyanine green (ICG) transform liver surgery by permitting real-time tumor viewing and detection on the operating table. Fluorescence-guided hepatectomy, which has a success rate of 94-100 percent 4, allows surgeons to attain higher precision and improve the level of care for patients.
ICG, a safe and economical green dye commonly used by clinicians worldwide, is injected into the patient during this treatment. ICG molecules are taken up by cancer cells from the circulation. In the near-infrared light mode, the cells emit fluorescent green color due to decreased green dye excretion ability. As a result, surgeons will observe, discriminate, and selectively remove cancer cells from healthy liver tissue during surgery (liver segmentectomy).
In the treatment of HCC, a liver segmentectomy is a standard procedure that improves liver function. FI generates a visible demarcation line along the liver segment boundary to guide precise excision with minimal blood loss compared to the present blue dye staining procedure.
The chances of tumor recurrence are significantly lowered with precision surgery. Because our liver can regenerate, it returns to its previous weight and shape within a few weeks post-operation.
However, as the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure” – now is the time to make responsible, informed decisions, live a risk-free life by adopting a healthier lifestyle, and receive timely antiviral treatment for viral hepatitis. The Mumbai liver doctor advises his readers that Hepatitis B is one of the leading causes of liver cancer and may be prevented by universal Hepatitis B vaccination. The most effective approaches to fight hepatitis A and E are improved sanitation, food safety, and vaccine. Hepatitis A can be prevented with the use of safe and effective vaccination.
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